First I would like to say pot is great....


Well-Known Member
Yes im gonna drive 1100 mile to meet a harmless shit stain like your self. Get a life and grow up kiddo.
I have a life lol. Grow up? We both have to grow up, at least I'm younger and not an old fart that has nothing better to do than fight with a teenager lol. That is really pathetic. So pathetic it's hilarious.


Well-Known Member
I have a life lol. Grow up? We both have to grow up, at least I'm younger and not an old fart that has nothing better to do than fight with a teenager lol. That is really pathetic. So pathetic it's hilarious.
Its a figure of speech smart one.
No were near a old fart.
Fight? hehe i think that's only you getting a little riled up ;)


Well-Known Member
Its a figure of speech smart one.
No were near a old fart.
Fight? hehe i think that's only you getting a little riled up ;)
Wanna reply again? lol..... I ain't getting riled up, my purple flow won't let me. This is honestly great (pissing you off).


Well-Known Member
Wanna reply again? lol..... I ain't getting riled up, my purple flow won't let me. This is honestly great (pissing you off).
why do you keep pming me after i stopped. Why are you still seeking attention?
How I'm i the angry one here im confused? Your desperation deceives you.


Well-Known Member
why do you keep pming me after i stopped. Why are you still seeking attention?
How I'm i the angry one here im confused? Your desperation deceives you.
I guess it does hahahahaha. You play part in this too by getting your panties up in a bunch ya old fart lol.


Well-Known Member
I guess it does hahahahaha. You play part in this too by getting your panties up in a bunch ya old fart lol.
Hmm once again not a old fart far from it. Not sure why i have to keep telling you like i would a child... oh wait...
Why are you still seek attention?


Well-Known Member
Dont know... Should have known better. Then to argue with a punk one with a teenagers mind frame at that.
I guess you're just too stupid lol. Maybe nexttime you won't be such a dumbass.

Alright old man, I'll catch ya later tonight or tomorrow...I'm gonna go rip my bong and take a bath.

Calm yourself lol.


Well-Known Member
<---- walks into thread, has a big lol at sutrag patheticness and immaturity...smiles

Some day sutra, some day

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
No, it was directed to eye exaggerate in explaining why I hold the position I do and why although I don't begrudge anyone their own belief, if someone then wants me to take their belief seriously it is up to that person to present a compelling reason that I should as well, otherwise there's no point in discussing it. IOW, I feel it is entirely appropriate to criticize and point out flaws in a person's thinking if they want to publicly declare an unsupportable belief. If I insisted that Excalibur is a real magic sword and still exists to this day, just lost, most people would politely say 'okay' and walk away slowly. Every day people make overt claims about the existence of a deity. This to me is in the same realm as fairies and elves (which BTW, are still strongly held beliefs in places like Iceland). I have tried to stop asking for empirical evidence that there is a god, I am asking for much less stringent requirements, merely compel me, give me good rational reasons that I too should believe that a god exists. I don't even need to accept that this god actually cares about human beings and their welfare. Eye then alluded to personal experience of others which led to my rant. :)
i know exactly where you got that from, i watched that video too =D but im my eyes, it doesnt matter where you get your material from... just as long as your point gets across right?


Well-Known Member
i know exactly where you got that from, i watched that video too =D but im my eyes, it doesnt matter where you get your material from... just as long as your point gets across right?
Really? I'd be interested if you could find the video since I pretty much typed it on the fly off the top of my head. However I wouldn't be surprised if it was similar to someone's video as it is a common method of explaining why unsupportable beliefs in the supernatural are all generally equal and the god claim should get no special exemptions.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
videos from theramin trees or qualia soup, not sure which one, id have to go through all the videos again. not saying its wrong man, just that it doesnt matter where you got it, just as long as the message gets across.