First indica grow. Need some useful tips

Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
what about the heat man.... if i move cfls and shit closer its got to be way hot.. no buds on this one you think though.......why should i for get about its my baby. lol NOOOOOOO hahahaha


Active Member
both have reflectors. its literally like 3'H x 1'D x3' W
If you turn all the lights off in the area how much escapes from your cabinet/grow area? This is a good indication of how much light might be escaping and thus not contributing to growth. Like I said too, you need to think of color - brown will absorb both red and blue spectrum, which means less food for your plant. Looks like you mostly have lighting issues.

As for temp, all you need is a couple fans moving fresh air in (at the bottom) and old air(from the top) out, 3x3x1 = 9 cubic feet, you can handle that with some PC fans @ 30CFM easily.


Weed Modifier
what about the heat man.... if i move cfls and shit closer its got to be way hot.. no buds on this one you think though.......why should i for get about its my baby. lol NOOOOOOO hahahaha
Dont throw it out you can learn from this one and if you fuck it up then fine but until then it is all LIVE and LEARN!!!


Well-Known Member
your telling me that you started those plants from seed and that is what they look like at 50 days old?
Yes that is exactly what im saying. If you have everything dialed in correctly then that is how they will grow. If not then they look like jiggaboo.... < no offence mate. just trying to help..

You need at least some CFL lighting. it wont work under normal household lights...


Well-Known Member
1) scrap the incandecent grow bulb. Those things are useless.

2) whatever fluoros and CFLs you have need to be much closer.

3) you might want to just scrap that plant. Not to be rude, but it looks horrible for 50 days. I've seen 2 week old seedlings with more growth than that. Anyone telling you it looks ok is just trying to be polite and actually doing you a disservice. Go back to the drawing board with what you've learned from this experience and start fresh with more information. I'm not claiming to be god's gift to growing (my first attempt looked similar to that), but I think you may have missed the boat on this one man.
Very well said...

If at first you dont succeed, try, try again..

Good luck..


Active Member
what makes a cfl better. im really curious. i thought i had researched alot but aparently not.
The clorophyll pigments can only utilize cetian frequencies of light effectivly to make energy, around 450nm(blue/uv), and around 700nm(red). CFL's (daylight and soft white respectively) put out a lot of their light around this area of the spectrum.

Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
what about ballast and shit. will some one give me a better cheap efficient grow box idea. lol ie instructions on how to make one, or a cheap one to buy. but good quality.
PLEASE IM RESEARCHING THIS AS I TYPE. dont think im lazy lol


Active Member
what about ballast and shit. will some one give me a better cheap efficient grow box idea. lol ie instructions on how to make one, or a cheap one to buy. but good quality.
PLEASE IM RESEARCHING THIS AS I TYPE. dont think im lazy lol
CFL's have balasts built into them already. Buy 2 4 packs of the 23W Daylight CFL's, some wire and some sockets... if you can do some basic wiring it's not that hard.

If your doing tubes it's a bit more work, because then you need to wire up the ballasts.


Well-Known Member
what about ballast and shit. will some one give me a better cheap efficient grow box idea. lol ie instructions on how to make one, or a cheap one to buy. but good quality.
PLEASE IM RESEARCHING THIS AS I TYPE. dont think im lazy lol
You can set up an easy and fairly effective grow room for well under $100 that will be good for 1 or 2 plants. I actually just saw 26w 2700K CFL's at wal mart and my local hardware store for $1 each. The 6500K daylight CFLs you'll want to use for veg are a little more, but you don't need as many because with a small box like that you won't be vegging long anyway.

Here's a list of some materials you'll need that I can think of off the top of my head:

timer $8
2 26w 6500K daylight CFLs $6 OR 6500K daylight fluoro tubes that match the fixtures you already have
6-10 (more the better) "warm white" 2700K or 3200K CFLs. under $10
quality soil under $20
fans under $20 (you need these to control the temps)
pots like $5
seeds free (if bagseed) or take you pick with a decent seedbank. most people on RIU seem to favor Attitude or Nirvana. Nirvana has 5 packs of fem seeds that with shipping are around $40. I'd stay away from their autos though. Too many bad reports. Some of there other non autoflower strains are pretty good though.
nutrients - if you are really strapped for cash you can get cheap stuff.

This is just a partial list of supplies I could think of. Even with the seeds, we are still under $100 I think. Plus, things like timer and fans are one times costs and you can get more than one grow out of CFLs.

Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
what about grow walls and stuff. i need to build a box with materials that are sturdy enough to support the fans lights ect. What about lighting placement. specifics if you can. i trust an experienced grower more than a fucking website. if some one here is willing enough to help a nOOb grow FUCKING TREES like actual cannabis trees(be it later in life of course) but lol you know what im saying. i need a detail list of supplies to go buy with approx price included to i can figure out dimensions. i need a very fucking small filtration system only. im growing one maybe two plants at a time for personal use. dimension are about as mentioned earlier. maybe 6-9 cubic ft here folks not much.
please help someone who has found a love in botany. and growing of certain industrious plants such as the cannabis indica species or any other strain hybrid or clone of a plant. I love this thing called marijuana. a want to end life with a field of marijuana........SOME ONE GET ME STARTED> I AM FUCKING PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS THING HERE> lol ^_^ PEACE..



Well-Known Member
Not being an asshole about this but those plants look healthy, leaves are nice and green, but she is definitely not thriving. If I can be brutally honest, that thing would make a better decoration plant. Unless you put some serious light on those babies, they are only going to yield super fluffy buds. If she doesnt herm first. If I were you I would get about 3 or 4 CFLs and take a clone and start over.

Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
Well I'm not looking for yield understand that. I'm lookin to start a plant that will produce dank buds don't really care how much comes from it


Well-Known Member
Right on. I can appreciate that. Growing cannabis is fun as hell. Im sure a million people have already hit on proper light spectrum and all that so I wont beat a dead horse. Im interested to see where this goes for sure.