-First Indoor 1000 Watt Tent grow-

what did u look under on craigslist for clones

why would you come in my thread and ask that? if you fucking read all the way to page one or even up on this page you would fucking read that "i cut the clones" and am having problems dumbfuck, and to tell you something ya smartass i did get my momma from craigslist and shes more beautiful than ever so dont come in here trying to dog me and my cuts

i definatly believe humidty has been the problem... that your plants have essentially been absorbing water but not transpiring it... so they are super soggy from chillin in the water plus the humidity... i hope they make it for you.. would suck if they all wilted up... just keep them in a cool place with relatively low humidity if you can... i am pretty sure they will spring back...

Dude that sounds like its exactly it! i fucked up i left too much water in there and they were always drenched and humid! i left the dome on for 24 days and sprayed them everyday so it would get humid in there so i basically choked them out right?? i just got back home adn its been a few hours since i transplanted the others and all those look good so far!!

y would fresh growth and some leaves fray up and turn brown and die on the clones??? is it because of wat i did??? thanks
i just got 2 seeds from a local indoor grower, it's grand daddy purple x blue dynamite! the gdp is the best weed ive ever smoked in cali and probally has a 25 - 30% thc level alone! they crossed it with some of there dynmite and i got a a couple seeds, i already germinated them and now there in a dixie cup with some ocean forest! will take pics when they sprout up
yea... thats what i mean when i said you choked them out.... it just was coincedence that when you transplanted them they chose to die... either that or they just stayed ok in the dome because they were full of moisture and when you let them out they transpired it all and shrivled up... essentially they deflated...

can you post a pic of the clones?? sorta hard to say without pics....

seeds sound great.. wish i could get ahold of some of them
yea... thats what i mean when i said you choked them out.... it just was coincedence that when you transplanted them they chose to die... either that or they just stayed ok in the dome because they were full of moisture and when you let them out they transpired it all and shrivled up... essentially they deflated...

can you post a pic of the clones?? sorta hard to say without pics....

seeds sound great.. wish i could get ahold of some of them

well it seems that 3 have died and all the others are looking ok but have some yellow and dead new growth and frayed growth ill take some pics right now
heres some pics

first 2 pics are of the 2 gdpxblue dynamite seeds (day 2 - 5/26/09)

third one is the one clone i transplanted in the beginning thats been droopy eversince, and fourth pic is a shot of most of the clones ive put in dixie cups, 5th pic is of the 3 that i havent transplanted yet(i might want to try a different medium like coco pellets or something, wats your guys advice?) the rest of the pics are pics from above trying to show you guys the deadness and frayed new growth!


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things arent lookin too bad.. not great but not bad... i still think choking them out had the most impact on them.. but the clones themselves look a little shissty... definatly could have been a little better... but dont worry.. really.. i had some clones i took that looked mutant as fuck... i seriously thought i was gonna end up with a 4 ft plant that was 8 inches wide... they were terrible terrible clones... now they are a couple of my biggest plants... and gonna be a couple of my biggest yielders too... just give them some time and soon they will explode with growth... its just waiting thats so hard to do..
things arent lookin too bad.. not great but not bad... i still think choking them out had the most impact on them.. but the clones themselves look a little shissty... definatly could have been a little better... but dont worry.. really.. i had some clones i took that looked mutant as fuck... i seriously thought i was gonna end up with a 4 ft plant that was 8 inches wide... they were terrible terrible clones... now they are a couple of my biggest plants... and gonna be a couple of my biggest yielders too... just give them some time and soon they will explode with growth... its just waiting thats so hard to do..

well 5 of them were big ol tops from before i went into 12/12 4 of them died i got 1 left and thats the droopy one i transplanted in the beginning! this is my first batch and i def learned a lot so far! my next batch hopefully is better and faster
heres some updated pics i took this morning a few are droopy and i watered them after i took the pics! looks like i got some 6 weekers and maybe some 8-9 weekers! there all looking good but i can tell on all the new growth and leafs i have those snail like tracks from the thrips in there, i bought 1500 ladybugs a couple weeks ago and theres no more in there but theres thrips still lol, its time i go to neem oil or spinosad cuz i dont want these thrips snackin on my buds! do thrips reproduce???????? anyways heres some pics

i know i need to use one of these for the problem with thrips im having but wats all your guys advice??? whcih one and how do you use it, i dont want to harm my plants at all, i used neem oil once and didnt like it so never used again but i know u guys are gonna reccomend it so wats the safiest ways to use it!


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heres some updated pics i took this morning a few are droopy and i watered them after i took the pics! looks like i got some 6 weekers and maybe some 8-9 weekers! there all looking good but i can tell on all the new growth and leafs i have those snail like tracks from the thrips in there, i bought 1500 ladybugs a couple weeks ago and theres no more in there but theres thrips still lol, its time i go to neem oil or spinosad cuz i dont want these thrips snackin on my buds! do thrips reproduce???????? anyways heres some pics

i know i need to use one of these for the problem with thrips im having but wats all your guys advice??? whcih one and how do you use it, i dont want to harm my plants at all, i used neem oil once and didnt like it so never used again but i know u guys are gonna reccomend it so wats the safiest ways to use it!

girls are looking good.. coming along nicely... buds will be really sweet in a couple weeks... big and huge and ready to be smoked...

so yea.. thrips reproduce.. i use neem oil myself... and i swear by it... im getting more bold with my plants so im currently changing how i use neem oil.. but i will tell you step by step how i use it... so here we go...

first make sure you get cold pressed 100% pure neem oil... i use dyna gro... dont get something with neem in it as an additive... just 100% pure neem oil... make a spray with it.. i use about a 3ml of neem oil per quart of water and 1 tsp non scented biodegradeable liquid dish soap.. make sure it is non scented and biodegradeable... it works as an imulsifier since oil and water dont mix...

also you must remember neem oil is not a spot/contact killer... heres how neem works..
1) suffocates eggs that get covered by it
2) affects reproductive hormones.. in adults it stops them from being able to lay eggs and fertilize them... in young adults it keeps them from ever reaching maturity and thus never reaching the ability to reproduce..
3) deters them from eating and living on the plant because they do not like the taste..

also neem oil can be added to the water you use to water your girls... along with nutes and all.. when used this way it is absorbed by the plant so the mites end up eating it regardless of if you miss a spot or not.. and again it deters them due to taste.. the taste will not affect your buds as long as you stop treatments at flush to allow the neem oil to be washed out... it also has micro nutrients that your plant uses so its beneficial in that way also...

if you use neem oil expect a 2 week treatment... this is long enough to kill whats alive and not alive and get rid of the problem.... you wont see a big impact for about a week but i will give you some other things you can do to speed it along...

my 2 week treatment...

day 1 - spray the shit out of your plants... tops and bottoms of leaves... dont be shy here... i easily use a quart bottle of spray for a 5x5 area...

day 2 or 3 - i water my plants and feed them about 6ml neem oil per gal of water.. i have to water them every 2 or 3 days.. just know you should feed them the neem every time you water within this 2 week time...

day 4 - spray

day 5 or 6 - water

day 7 spray

day 8 or 9 - water

day 10 - spray

day 11 or 12 - water

day 13 - spray

and one more watering

ive done this every problem i have had and it has worked... the soil feeding also coats eggs and makes bugs eat it that live in there.. giving you bug free soil...
ok i rememmber now your the one who i was trying to look for lol, you told me this weeks ago but ive never done it cuz i thought the ladybugs would of tooken care of them but guess not! you told me that process last time! wats 2 ml's???? is it 1 tsp per quart? sorry i measure with like tsp and tbl per gallon so i dont know how much ml is. im gonna go get some dyn gro neem and do exactly wat you say! is the heat in my room gonna make this act differently or wrong cuz this morning (9:00AM) it was 97F, ive never seen it that hot in there, the hottest its ever been was 95! so i def need a ac or something, it works on thrips too right not just mites??
ok i rememmber now your the one who i was trying to look for lol, you told me this weeks ago but ive never done it cuz i thought the ladybugs would of tooken care of them but guess not! you told me that process last time! wats 2 ml's???? is it 1 tsp per quart? sorry i measure with like tsp and tbl per gallon so i dont know how much ml is. im gonna go get some dyn gro neem and do exactly wat you say! is the heat in my room gonna make this act differently or wrong cuz this morning (9:00AM) it was 97F, ive never seen it that hot in there, the hottest its ever been was 95! so i def need a ac or something, it works on thrips too right not just mites??

sorry.. i use tsp and tbls too.. just use milliliters (ml) for most talking when it comes to nutes and shit... so yea.. about a tsp plus a little per gallon..

the heat wont make it act funny.. but warmth does promote pest growth... most indoor pests thrive in warmer environments and produce quicker... if you can get temps down it will help slow your pest problem..
sorry.. i use tsp and tbls too.. just use milliliters (ml) for most talking when it comes to nutes and shit... so yea.. about a tsp plus a little per gallon..

the heat wont make it act funny.. but warmth does promote pest growth... most indoor pests thrive in warmer environments and produce quicker... if you can get temps down it will help slow your pest problem..

ok so ill put a 1 1/2 teaspoon of dyna gro neem oil and 1 teaspoon of dish soap and ill see how it goes! you put the dish soap in there too when you root feed? idk a few guys on here told me some stuff about ventalating and heat cures but it didnt work, its still hot as hell in there, like right now my light has been on for exactly 4 mins and its 90.7f in there and its rising! its about 78f outside! i know a ac will cool it way down but i want that to be my last resort, i want to get one but then i want to wait until next harvest at the same time! i dont have dyna grow right now and no where is open that would have it and my ladies need water really bad! so im just gonna give them water, i gave them pura vida grow(1/4 tsp) and pura vida bloom (3/4 tsp) and purple maxx(1/4 tsp) last feeding!
i use the dish soap for the spray and root feeding.. thats why is very important to make sure the soap you get is non scented and bio-degradeable... that way it doesnt affect the plant... use about 1 1/2 to 2 tsp neem oil... no more than 2.. and about 1 tsp of dish soap.. it wont make a perfect imulsion... but it will be close...

so right now do you have any heat being exhausted from your grow room at all?? that heat is intense for sure.. its 1 thing to have 90+ degrees and have constant exhausting and air movement... but its another if the air isnt moving very much.... so hows your venalation setup and lets see if we cant get rid of the heat.. w/o the ac

ive never heard of any heat treatments or anything like that for bugs... like ive said ive had incredible results with just the neem oil.. i havent personally had to use anything else.. i did use 1 other product.. its somewhere in my journal i used it... it was for mites and that.. and i used it because i dont like spraying with neem after week 4 and this said you can spray up to the day of harvest.... but i am still root feeding it until next week... just as a precautionary thing..
ya those mites are going to be a bitch at that temp to fight same with the thrips..So wuts good Jweeks?...1000watters def displace some damn heat...i dealn with that too brother.. wut kinda fan u exhausting the heat out of the tent with..that may be problem 1 if its not over 400cfm..u want that bulb heat wisped away right away..sounds like ur air outside the tent is bombin hanging out aroudn 75..need to be able to draw some of that in..and it sounds like the passive route aint working.. i believe with 1 light and 2 exhaust fans..1 blown /1exhaustin..u shoudl be able to get it down to at least 85 steady, w/o a/c. at 95 im rippn my shirt off...at 100 sweat runnin down my balls and i get real agitated..imagine those girls... so i think u need to start with some 2 big 6'' exhaust fans..maybe the active air from hydrofarm.com..or the eclipse models...wut u using as of now?? all friendly advice bro..would like 2 c those of us grown ..succeed......and of coarse follow sampsons neem oil treatment..he can tell u it works all day..but unless u use it on all ur futur grows as a prevenitive..(have 2 use a prevenitive) u will be accustomed to seein those bastards in the summer at least.. id also go buy "hot stop" pest strips. at lowes or home depot..hang by tack on wall to exterminate..another back up Peace
good call about the preventative TM... DJ, use the neem once a week during veg and the first 4 weeks of flowering, basically from seedling to flowering, as a preventative and you'll never get the little bastards in the first place... always make sure you wear clean clothes into your grow room if you have been outside because the bugs and eggs can hitch a ride on you.. and i even stopped letting my pups in the room cause they could carry them too.. and the hot shot pest strips or no pest strips are great for huge emergency cleansings... its like dropping a nuke on a small island... they'll just dissappear.. but since this is chemical i would wait until a last resort... i personally dont like the idea of smoking chemically treated buds...

and TM has the right idea about the ventalation too... need to bring cooler air in and move the hotter air out... moving the hotter air out is more important that bringging the cooler air in... but even if you could put a passive intake on your tent and get a 400cfm exhaust fan pulling air out it would make a HUGE difference...
guys it was fucking 102F in there last night and it was only 85F outside! that is some serious heat lol, i watered them adn was too lazy and beat to come back on line, it was so fucking hott and i could barely water them my sweat was watering them also lol!

Im using a 6" 306 cfm active air fan(green one) and it sits right on top of my tent! so i have ducting going into my tent to the hood and then it goes out the window! thats the only fan i got and theres 3 precut passive air intake holes built in to the tent i bought from eaby! (one thing about those tents is they wont hold a hood like there ad says, i fabbed up my own light holder!) so ya im running the hoods heat right out side! my tents in my room so i cant use the hot shot strip cuz i guess its harmfull! i bought one and read it and i cant put it in my room cuz i sleep in there! im def getting neem oil today and some on scented dish soap! do they sell a hot shot strip thats small or something and not harmful to us? thanks guys!


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ok so your exhausting the heat outside... but is the window sealed off so the heat cant be pulled back into your room, and thusly back into your tent?? i think that if you took a piece of cardboard of something, cut it to fit the window, and cut a hole in that to exhaust the heat outside without it being able to just blow back into your room you might see a difference... you can always crack the other side of the window a little to let some fresh air in.. but it seems that there is just too much warm air being let into your room in general that it doesnt matter if you are exhausting it or not... make sense??
ok so your exhausting the heat outside... but is the window sealed off so the heat cant be pulled back into your room, and thusly back into your tent?? i think that if you took a piece of cardboard of something, cut it to fit the window, and cut a hole in that to exhaust the heat outside without it being able to just blow back into your room you might see a difference... you can always crack the other side of the window a little to let some fresh air in.. but it seems that there is just too much warm air being let into your room in general that it doesnt matter if you are exhausting it or not... make sense??

yes that makes a lot of sense! im right on it, im gonna fix it then ill be back on! i only have one horizontal shutting window in my room! if i cover that then i dont have no fresh air coming though only stale air from my bedroom correct??? should i cut a carbboard to fit and then cut one 6" hole on top for venting heat and maybe one on the bottom farest away from the other hole to allow cool air in????? just an idea???
so the other side of the window doesnt slide?? can you open your bedroom door at all?? i imagine if you have a fan and shit going inside your room which also has a growtent you can open the door and let air in that way?? i just think you want to make that a closed exhaust... i mean do everything you can to keep heat out.... and do everything you can to get cool air in.. thats a big light and hella heat to remove... and although fresh air is great for plants, getting the heat out is better... there are more benefits to having a cooler room than having fresh outside air... as long as there is air movement and air exchange the air isnt going to be stale.. even with your bedroom door shut it wont be stale... the exhaust fan will suck the air out of the tent, pulling air from your room from the passive holes, which in turns passively pulls air from outside your room anyways.. either way you look at it i just think you will be way better off keeping that cardboard completely sealed...