First Indoor All Organic Phototron Grow



So one of my friends dads has a phototron box that he grew in back in the day and its like brand new, so i decided to put it in my basement and put a seed that we found in this amazing grape god bud that we found at a local dispensary. Later we found out that the seed IS feminized so a big Hell Yes!

The seed germinated for about 2-3 weeks then i transplanted it into the phototron. The dirt we used was ocean forest all organic potting soil and the nutes is the general organic start up kit with 8 different bottles and i'm following the chart!

She's looking very good and healthy right now (i think). This is my first time growing anything ever besides a plant in 4th grade, however, i'm an everyday medical marijuana toker and am very interested in the growing of it and anything to do with medical marijuana. So i have been researching a lot and know quite a lot about actual growing.

This is basically going to be a journal that i will update everyday or so to keep everyone updated on her growth and would appreciate any replies or questions or anything. Any help is very beneficial and i will be open to many new ideas that come about. I am a beginner however i'm a very knowledgable beginner with growing and am very hand so i can do pretty much anything it takes.

Here are pictures at about 1 week old!

Let me know if this is how it should look, or if i'm doing anything wrong!

I feed her once every day sometimes once every other day depending on how wet the soil is, she also has a blue led (veg) light hanging 4 inches above her and will swap the blue out with a red led when bloom comes along, i also keep the humidity between 40-60% with average about 45% and temperature between 65-80 with average at about 74 degrees. Any feedback would be very appreciated! Thank you and toke up fellow tokers


Here's a picture of her yesterday before the lights turned on at noon! Any advice on anything would be greatly appreciated from anybody, thank you !IMG_1214.jpg


Here's an updated picture that i took about 20 minutes ago, she's looking very healthy! I learned that i should not be heavy nuting like i am when using Fox farm ocean forest soil. I'm currently flushing her and giving her straight water for a couple days and watering about every 2 days. Once i feed her just water for 2 waterings i'm to give her light nutes and see how she reacts. Havent seen any over nuting signs yet (friends and people on forums are surprised) thank god! Day 10 week 2! IMG_1240.jpg
Any advice recommended on the above picture? Thank you and toke upppppbongsmiliebongsmilie:peace::weed:


Here are 2 new pictures. The plant still looks healthy and is growing good, however, the sides of some leaves are curling upwards, what does that mean? Is it something im doing or the plant genetics? If it's something i'm doing, how can i fix this?
