First indoor grow: 2x4x5' tent, LED & CFL, WW femmed


Well-Known Member
Because of a business trip, I've had to change my long-term plan.

Regardless of what the girls look like, I'm going to take a few clones today to start rooting/vegging, and the plants will go into flower with HPS immediately.

My next batch will be in perlite/vermiculite hempy buckets after rooting the clones in rockwool... I'm done with pre-nuted soil :)


Here's to my first seeding and veg test indoors. I've learnt a ton by doing this, mostly how to do it better next run especially from all of you. I thank you all for the guidance and advice thus far.



Well-Known Member
Took the girls outside this morning to get a day of sun (it's a glorious day outside here today), cut a few clones (stuck in rockwool and will go into hempy buckets) and am just setting up my new veg area and swapping out the halide for the HPS so I can go to flowering tonight (12/12 from 2000 hrs to 0800 hrs).




Well-Known Member
Nice looking ladys man!! was waiting for u to put some updates :) they are really happy... KEEP IT UP! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Bit of an update. Got home last night from a week business trip, and my girl took good care of the plants.

Had one certain hermie so I chopped that down, and the rest of the known girls are growing so tall it caused me to redesign my filter/fan/light setup, so I did that today. Want to spend time with the girl, so I don't have time to discuss, but please give me feedback on what you think my girls look like at exactly 14 days in flower.




Well-Known Member
I'm now in the business of LST. I have no choice.

After I removed the one hermie, I have three remaining known great females under my 400w HPS. My girlfriend agrees, and after this first indoor grow, I have approval for a massive upgrade.

We agree that I need a 7' tent (at least one for flower, 4x4' minimum), and perhaps a 600 or 1Kw to light it up.

They look very bent, but I assure you, even at this angle, the ropes are loose and the girls are still happy (after about three hours of close observation).

I'm on a 3.5 day pH water cycle, with every other watering giving them nutes, and the last watering was my first full-nute feeding. The smallest plant isn't liking it too much, so I may back off by a 1/8th or so next time, but I have no concerns.

With everything I've learned here, I'm golden... pardon me as I'm on week three of flowering as I migrate over to the drying-curing forum for a looksie ;)




Well-Known Member
Day 23 flower under 400w HPS. Three White Widow.

I'm worried as a couple of them have grown far too tall, and I'm LSTing like crazy as I have no more room for my light to raise. I bent one main stem yesterday, but it looks like she survived. I'm also seeing some discolouration which is worrying me a bit (pic below in case anyone has a suggestion as to what could be wrong. I think calmag, but perhaps I'm not feeding enough... I feed full nutes every second water).

View attachment 2678140S1010003.jpgS1010005.jpgS1010006.jpg

...and here's a close-up of a problematic leaf as described above:

View attachment 2678149



Well-Known Member
Couldn't take any good pics today, but here's a couple bud sites, 34 days into flower under 400w HPS...




Well-Known Member
Day 71 of flower. Seriously considering harvesting tomorrow :) From what I can tell, most trichs are cloudy. Pics are of one of the three girls taken last night. Already have my next seeds on the way... 20 Blueberry and 5 Bubba Kush fem.




Well-Known Member
Well, the yield didn't turn out as well as I had hoped, but I made a lot of mistakes to learn from, and my new run I'm resetting the tent for today will be far better.

I harvested 6.2 oz dry from the three plants. The majority came from my 'best' plant. All-in-all, I got about 6 pounds of experience, and now I'm about to start a perpetual hempy run where I'll harvest once per month, and will cycle that up to once every two weeks if I decide to.

It'll include 25 2L hempy at different stages, at first 12/12 from seed, and once I get parents, 12/12 from clone continuously rotating. My next run will include Blueberry and Bubba Kush, for their short SoG worthiness.

Well all, this is it for this grow.

Thank you for having been through it with me, and hopefully within a few days, I'll have a new thread for spek's indoor grow number 2!!!

Happy Growing (and smoking)!!
