First indoor grow! Advice and suggestions appreciated.

Hello, just wanted to post some pics of my first indoor closet grow and see if anyone had any advice or tips that they could pass along. I bought 6 clones that I later found had a spider mite problem. This was my first instance dealing with these freaking pests. Tried ladybugs, they did not work. tried spraying plant leaves daily with water and knocking the guys off or trying to drown them, no luck. So I bought some neem oil and treated. Bugs were gone in about 1 to 2 weeks. They were so infested when I got them that I didn't think they would make it plus they went into a little shock from the transplant. Now 2 months later they look great and are in the second week of flowering.

I just started a veg. room and got a few more clones. these clones had the same freaking spider mites, but I got to them early and took care of the problem. I've had the clones for a week now and they are growing fast. I use CFL's to grow since I am growing in a confined area. My medium is organic soil, and I have not added any kind of chemical or enhancer only straight H20.

A few ?'s I have;

1. How effective is it having cfl's in the flowering room? I'm still very novice and figured I would start with the cfl's then upgrade, as I learn and improve. Will there still be an ample amount of buds from cfl's.

2. What is a good max ht. for plants inP1050273.jpgP1050275.jpgP1050272.jpgP1050270.jpgP1050268.jpgP1050274.jpgP1050276.jpgP1040405.jpgP1040404.jpgP1040399.jpgP1040398.jpgP1040396.jpgP1040394.jpg a cfl closet grow. Pics are reversed. First few are the ladies in flower followed by them as teens.


It seems like your flowering ones are getting pretty good and I think they'll do pretty well when it comes time to harvest. How many CFLs do you have I definitely think you don't have enough. Go to home depot and buy like 6 more. Give it a couple weeks your girls will bud well.

Claude Bawls

Active Member
You can never have too much light. Some of your girls particularly the one in pic 9 in the red pot are having some issues. The plants under the 1 cfl will not produce much bud at all. The ones under the tubes look nice but I would suggest some LST or super cropping to give the tops more room to grow maximize the grow. Lastly, I would not buy anymore clones infested with spider-mites. Start with seeds and clone those yourself. Good luck and +rep for your 1st grow.
The plant in pic 9 was actually a pic of the clone right when I transplanted it. The leaves were already holding mites, and it went into some shock from the transplant. There is a pic of how the plant currently looks up there. I just got supplied to start making my own clones also. Thanks for your time and responses.
I have: 4x 2ft tube 23w 2700k 2000 lumen = to 100w each

3x 2ft tube 23w 6500k 1600 lumen = to 100w each

2x cfl's 23w 6500k 1600 lumen = to 100w each

3x cfl's 23w 2700 k 2000 lumen = to 100w each