First indoor grow, coco coir, blackjack


Well-Known Member
they seem pretty ready to me.
check the trichomes to varify the trichomes have already developed a mushroom shape and are all milky with some amber.

Big bud is known for high yields without much beyond that. They have hugh buds that are dense and can develop bud rot if there isn't enough air circulation.

To maximize your yield you can go SCROG. Thats the method that gave me the most yield for now.


Active Member
well supposedly the sensi seeds Big bud is (Big BudxNorthern Lights) x Big Bud. So it's about 25% big bud for some increased potency while maintaining the large yield. I was thinking about doing a Scrog but am not quite sure as to how to go about doing that. How about LSTing?


Active Member
i also havent decided what growing medium to use. I still have coco nutes so that'd prob be the easiest, but if soil or hydro will work better for my idea, please give me your input with specifics :)


Well-Known Member
I don't know about that big bud. I haven't seen many happy faces coming from it.
Northern Lights is a pretty heavy yielder, quick finisher that have a decent potency.

There are tons of strains, its ain't easy to choose one for myself, let alone for another person.

My next strains to run are Subcools Jilly Bean, Jack The Ripper and The Third Dimentions. I got some other seeds I might crack.
I'm not expecting ultra high yields from them, instead I'm looking for a nice yield (my aim is 1 gram per watt. Got 0.88 gpw last run and I got quite a few things to fix up so hopefully its realistic) of top shelf quality buds.
I might be able to get more grams from a big bud strain (or any high-yielding strains) but I rather have a higher quality bud with a few less grams.

SCROG is easy, check my ended journal in my signature.
LST is WAY more work. It works, but I wouldn't bother.

Whats easier than poking the shoots that comes over the screen back below it?

When you work with soil and get a GOOD mix to begin with all you need to do it watering with dechlorinated tap water. You might need to add minute amount of additives.
With coco you water more, use expensive nutrients but you got charts for everything so easier once you have the basic gear and understanding.

Usually, coco grows faster.

If you'r able to source ALL the ingredients for subcools supersoil (check his subforum on the organic forum) you might wanna give it a try. It seems to work very well.


Active Member
well im trying to get the highest yield possible from a decent potency strain. if that big bud really is not good bud then i'd rather grow something else. i've honestly been looking through strains for soooooo long and cant figure it out. i was going to do Critical mass but i cant because they dont have feminized seeds and i need feminized for my setup.
Do you know of any strains that would work well for me?
Thanks for your input btw :hump:


Well-Known Member
I think they look really healthy m8 you're doing a good job.. They all look ready for flowering to me m8, I usually let mine get to about a 1ft / 1.5ft during veg then flower them


Well-Known Member
well im trying to get the highest yield possible from a decent potency strain. if that big bud really is not good bud then i'd rather grow something else. i've honestly been looking through strains for soooooo long and cant figure it out. i was going to do Critical mass but i cant because they dont have feminized seeds and i need feminized for my setup.
Do you know of any strains that would work well for me?
Thanks for your input btw :hump:
Critical Mass IS Big Bud, just a different name.

If your looking for a easy going, heavy yielding and high potency you might find it in White Russian or AK47 by serious seeds. I only keep hearing good things about them. Especially the White Russian.
Both are available in a feminized version.

I don't have much experience with different strains, only ran 10 or so. The highest yielding was Blue Mystic by Nirvana, but its far from potent enough for my stash and the tollerance buildup is too quick.
Beside that its a very nice high (if you smoke enough) with GREAT taste once cured well. Yields are the best I got to date. Very hardy.


Active Member
gettin ready to harvest the blackjack guys. its lookin pretty ready to me. The trainwrecks are turning a light purple hue which is surprising to me since it's warm all the time. will post an update w/ pics soon


Active Member
The day finally came yesterday for me to harvest all 3 plants!!!!! the trainwrecks could've gone a little longer but im getting new flooring in so i had to harvest. It took a solid 12 hours with the help of a good friend to trim these suckers and set up the drying room. Such a fun time just listenin to reggae/dubstep/dnb all the good stuff. We were fueled by finger hash made throughout the trimming bongsmilie
The Blackjack nugs are very dense and were very fun to cut up. I put aside any leaf matter that had visible trichomes on it to use for the making of bubble hash when my bags arrive. Right now all the usable trimmings are in the freezer. The main cola was absolutely beautiful and very large. There were also loads of what will probably be 2-3 gram nugs all over due to extensive heavy side-branches. The pictures in this post is are all from the Blackjack. The following posts will contain the other plants. HOW MUCH DO YOU GUYS THINK THAT FAT COLA WILL WEIGH?:weed:



Active Member
This is the trainwreck that was topped and had two main colas. This one was a huuuggeeeeee bitch to trim because there was a very large amount of leaves throughout the buds. BUT the nugs are mostly very dense and look/smell amazing. I read about letting the coco dry out and then 4 hours before harvest watering it with pure water that has a tasty smelling extract in it. So i put .5fl oz. of alcohol-free lemon extract in 32 oz of water and fed it. When harvesting i noticed a very distinct lemony scent coming straight from the buds that before didnt smell fruity or sour at all. Here are the pics from this plant. In my hand, im holding the two main colas and the biggest branch:hug:



Active Member
The single Cola trainwreck. It matured slower and so was not as ready for harvest but i'd still say i got a decent amount off it. Tried to use butterscotch extract on this one but it didnt really show up in the smell. Once again the trimming was a bitch, but fun of course at the same time. i included a pic of the dense root formation i found in my pot (from the coco):hump:



Active Member
So i turned the grow closet into a drying closet and have the door open for now with the room being dark and fans on for ventilation. Anybody have some guesses of total dry weight???????? my guess is 4.5-5 ounces, but really not sure as i havent had a harvest like this before:confused:



Active Member
did anybody actually follow my journal to the end? or at least see my harvest pics? hahaha, i want some opinions on dry weight :):o


Well-Known Member
I don't know about the dry weight but your buds look very well made.

The root formation of the trainwreck you pictured shows over-watering. Something to consider next time.
When you water properly the root bound the medium evenly all around the pot, and not just in the bottom.

I'd guess the blackjack main cola would give around 25grams alone. For the others - I don't know.


Active Member
well thats weird cuz i watered exactly how everyone says to with coco. just watered until i saw any runoff come out the bottom holes and did it every time the top layer started to get dry, which went from every 4 days to every day. The other plants were in smart pots and the roots pleasantly surprised me. there was no rootbound formation at all. The roots werent even visible until i brushed away some coco.

I'd be veryy happy if that cola was around 25 grams. Anybody else got guesses on dry weight?:hump:


Well-Known Member
Patience boy, patience.

Don't judge by the top layer, use the lifting method.
If its dry it weights much much less.


Active Member
good point. i did actually notice that about the weight.

In the drying room i noticed that the bud almost seems completely dry and its only been drying for 3 days. some of the stems snap and ones on colas are close to snapping and the buds seem a good dryness. This confused me because it's only 78 degrees in there consistently and the humidity is 51% Is it possible that there is too much ventilation, are they just not really near done, or are they really ready????


Well-Known Member
If the stems are snapping you should start curing.
Probably it was dried too fast (over-ventilation?) and would need to be hung again after a day of curing.