FIRST INDOOR GROW, help appreciated.


Ok, so im a first time grower currently have 4 dr atomic NL #5 seeds in 6" pots. planted on the 14th,, sprouted on the 16th,,, all were about even then all of a sudden one just took off and the others have remained about the same size for about a week or so. They are also starting to turn somewhat yellow and drooping almost.. i can post pics if itll help,,

currently growing them under a 250w hps, with a couple cfls sidelighting,, getting led soon i believe.

at first i thought it was overwatering so i stopped giving them water for a couple days and nothing changed so i have started to water them again and seeing very little change...

ANY IDEAS,, constructive criticism wanted.


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ya maybe actually,, theyre quite dry on the top inch or two, but when i stick my finger down the side,,, the soil gets quite moist but not too bad,, do u think its drainage problem im using horbitec nature mix potting soil,, "This premium, all-purpose blend works for all potted plants and contains an organic mix of peat moss, humus, compost and perlite."


New Member
I think its possible that could be part of your problem.....
Let them dry out a few days,then fertilize them next time you water


alright thanks man,, how long should i leave em,, and when watering the little guys how much water would u use


New Member
alright thanks man,, how long should i leave em,, and when watering the little guys how much water would u use
Leave them long that the pots are fairly light when you pick them up...
I water until there is ample runoff...


hello RIU,, so i have been away from my babies for a little while, letting someone else look after em for the past 4 days,, and I am thinking that all are dead but one . I could be wrong. but like i said this is my first grow so im not expecting much. Can anyone diagnose these plants? They are all the same age. sprouted exactly a month ago and 3 of em just have not grown and now are even starting to die.

Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong or what the problems are here?


