First indoor grow qb96v2s

That's the begining of my grow. I'm hoping to continue it on both sites. Looking for any and all comments suggestions or anything. I used ffhf for the first round and quickly ran out, my mom mixed up some soil but I don't realize there were no amendments to it nutrient wise and the peat moss has gone hydrophobic! PITA to water. I want to use a wetting agent like yucca or aloe. Can I just add some to my watering to fix the soil in use? Also, I want to make my own organic soil so I can do mostly just water with minor extras and reuse etc. I was thinking peat, perlite, ewc, lime, rock dust, kelp meal and yucca or aloe as a base,


Well-Known Member
Honestly ill can tell you that true organic growing is fairly difficult to achieve top results if you are new. Theres alot to understand and learn. If you have the time and patience and dont care if you ruin a few crops before you get dialed in then go nuts! But small problems can accumulate over time and cause you some real problems in the crucial time your plants are in their most important state (last weeks) ive grown for many years both inside and out and ill tell ya organic inside is a tough go. For me personally its just not worth it plants dont grow as fast and take longer to finish. Organic soil requires strong bacterial/fungal colonies to thrive and it can be a bit tough to maintain these things if you dont have the exp.