First Indoor Grow. Serious AK47 & Bubblegum. 250W MH Veg Cab, 1000W HPS Bud Closet.


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I dropped the seeds directly into the moistened peat pellets 10 days ago. Moistened with reverse osmosis water, tested at 5.5 and added ph up to 6.5.

The first one, the Fem AK47 sprouted first, 7 days ago, she's the one with the thermometer in the soil. Put 6 other non Fem Bubblegum seeds in peat pellets, and 4 sprouted, the two up front 1 day after the AK, the two in the back, another day later.

They're potted in sunshine #4. I guess I kinda goofed going right up to 6" pots, maybe shoulda had one inbetween there. Planning to use the good ones as moms, glad my 1 AK was good.. just took a shot at that.

I've been doing some research on nutes, and looks to me like the Technaflora Recipe for Success is a good choice for a beginner like me.

The bubblegum on the right front is looking nice and green, and AK and the other bubblegum up front seem to be a bit yellow. Since I'm using soiless mix, maybe I need to start giving them some nutes? Just something for little guys, like that thrive allive by Technaflora?

I'm going to go get the starter kit they have. As for the bubbles in the back.. they're seem be a little runted, by oh well.. with only two good ones, I sure hope one's a girl.

Looking forward to any advice. I hope this goes well :hump:



Active Member
They seem to be growing pretty well, they slowed a bit after I moved them but are picking up now. I just dropped the light down, it's about a food and a half above the plants now.

Quite a bit of new growth on the runts too, though they do seem a bit deformed, hopefully they'll figure it out.


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I guess my grow isn't interesting enough to warrant any comments.. just another first timer, haha.

Maybe I'll take some pics of my setup, it's pretty stealthy, a wall and a shelf use magnets and weather stripping to completely close off the bud and veg room. I have a fan with a carbon filter on the outlet, and the intake air is filtered through an anti-fungal/anti-microbal shop vac filter. (2 of them actually)

The single fan uses negative pressure to draw air through both rooms up through the filter from the basement, across both lights, and back out of the carbon filter upstairs and across the ballasts. So it circulates the air in my house, and I get to use the waste heat from the lights to keep the house warmer in the winter. Drawing cool air up from the basement also helps to keep the rooms cool in the summer.


Active Member
Here they are at day 10, AK47 still lookin' like my bottom bitch, but the others are catching up! Still trying to get my hands on a Technaflora starter kit. I called the 1-800 number today and they were very helpful, if they can't find me someone with one locally, I suppose I'll just order one and stick with water for now.

Hopefully someone who looks at this can just give me a quick answer about when I should be turning off the heating pad?

I know you want soil temps up a bit for seedlings, but when do you kill it? I've had my soil temps around 76 degrees so far, I think I want to let that drop down a bit soon so I don't start to grow fungai or other crap I don't want?

Maybe just turn on the heating pad when the light is out?


DAY 10
Nice work man, good thread, keep it up. cant wait to see what happens. i was thinking about growing some bubblegum. where did you them?


Active Member
looks like the start of a promising mothers and some very kind buds.
i will keep up with this i love to see plants grow real time. it makes me wait like a good t.v show.


Active Member
Thanks! At first I bought some bubblegum and AK47 from, but fuck that place. They suck.. one seed came crushed, no original packaging to make sure it was what they say (when you buy singles) None of them ended up working, though I was using my well water which has a pretty high PH. The next time I ordered from Bubblegums were much cheaper too, though the AK47 fem was slightly more, go figure.. Anyway, they came with cut up portions of the original package from serious seeds, none were crushed, they arrived faster, and all but 2 of the 7 sprouted.


Active Member
i was growing awhile inside i think in the dark time you should just leave the garden alone thats what i did.
the temp was like 76-79 ish


Active Member
Day 15:


Still no nutes, just 6.5PHed water. I phoned the Technaflora 1-800 number and they were extremely helpful setting me up with a starter kit, great customer service. I can't wait till it gets here.

I think I'll ask on their forum what I should do about my pots being a little big for my plants, I don't want to get any salt buildup.

I'm pretty happy so far though. They look to be doing great to me. The biggest one with the thermometer in the pot is the AK47, still the bottom bitch. The other up close, the last pic, is the biggest bubblegum. Today the leaves look to be laying down a little more than usual, pretty sure she's fine. (better be a she!)

I'm hoping I can take two or three cuttings from the AK and whichever ends up being my bubblegum mum in a couple weeks, then grow them out and get them budding. Depending on my male/female situation, I'll probably put one of the seeded plants into 12/12 in another 3 weeks or so to get some bud going.

What's the soonest I should take a cutting off of the AK47? I know it's my mom, I know it's a girl.


Active Member
you can take cuttings as soon as like a month or a month and a half old but it will go thru alittle stress.
but their look great my plants are in the flowering stage right now im so into them just repotted them last night.
all girls i got im growing outdoors and yeah ha a little about myself


Active Member
Time for an update I'd say!

A lot of things have changed.

The fem AK47 seed is the budding plant on the right in sunshine #4, day 34 in.

The bubblegum seed, BG#3 is the budding plant on the left in sunshine #4, day 24 in.

They're both slightly stressed, the bubblegum a bit more. I dunno what all I did wrong. I just followed the directions. All in all they look good though. I'd hard for me to tell what happens with soil cause it takes so damn long for anything to take effect, and then it's all buffered if it was no good.

I don't like soil, soiless.. I dind't think I would, but it's an easy place to start. I know being more scientific I'd like hydro better, and it didn't take me long to convert.

My DWC veg bucket plants look outstanding! BG#3 clone in back, AK47 clone front left, took longer to root, so it didn't go in till later. BG#1 clone front right. The BG#1 mom I ended up ditching cause I burnt it with foliar so bad by accident, but I still got a good clone from it luckily. It's more indica, while BG#3 is more sativa and lanky. I hope one of these 2 phenos is the pink hair!

I can't believe the size of the leaves and stems. They look so healthy, and they're growing so fast under the 250W. They still have another 35 days! (until the BG is done budding) I plan to top them soon and take the top as a clone for the next run. Leave about 20 days to grow out after topping in the veg before going to bud.

They're in 2.5 gallon buckets right now. Recirced with 40 liters all together, changing every 10 days with Technaflora nutes.

The Bud setup will be 3 5 gallon buckets with 80 liters all together. I'm just going to move the lids from the 2.5g to the 5g buckets.

My roots are a bit brown, but I think it's just something in the nutes. I've heard of this before. There is no stinky smell at all, they smell clean enough to eat, enough oxygen that it looks like soda fiz on the surface, and they look really healthy! I'm not too worried about it.

My res temps go down to about 62F at night, and up to about 66-67F during lights on. Come Summer time I may have to use some ice packs, or I was thinking of building a peltier type cooler. for each res, we'll see, but I've got some time to think about that. I have a heater in the room right now keeping it from going bellow 62F at night. It was going down to 52F! Maybe I'll kill the heat and the end of flowering for a few days.

Also thought about just running my lights 24hours in veg for heat, but I really don't want to screw with anything, growth is exceptional and they look better than I could have imagined.

I'm more excited about my DWC vegging plants than I am about the ones ready to bud, haha. Just cause I know they will not be as good as my DWC buds will be! I'm a bit of a perfectionist.

Still can't wait to try that AK47 and Bubblegum though!

bud 1.jpgbud.jpgveg cab DWC 1.jpgroots.jpgveg cab DWC.jpgbud 2.jpg


Active Member
Thanks sticky.

Bubblegum already smelling so sweet. AK very fruity right now, but it's still pretty young.

I just set up my manifold and drains and stuff for the three 5 gallons that will go in the bud closet. Everything's lookin' pretty good!


Active Member
Thanks Tal.

Looking forward to trying this AK-47, haven't had it in about 6 years. Bubblegum I always wanted to try, and wouldn't ya know it, never seen it to buy around here, but I manage to find a bag the other day. Search for it my whole life.. finally my first grow is almost complete, and I stumble across some! Now that's ironic..

Being my first high quality grow, I'm really excited to harvest. (I grew one other time in a green house, it was ok, but not as good as the buds I buy)

I'm even more excited to see how my DWC plants bud out that are in there now. First pic is them overgrowing the veg cab, and then in the bud. They're huge! And so much more healthy than my soil grow. Huge leaves, huge stalks, massive growth. It's been amazing to watch.
