First Indoor Grow (tent)


Hey all! This is my first indoor grow ever!

keep it short n sweet.
using a 400w mh/hps. bagseeds have been in soil since nov. 7
they are on 20/4 getting water about every other day. starting 12/12 tomm.
no nutes yet just tap water sitting out for over 12hrs. leave me some feedback positive or just trying to get better! i know 3 are female for sure, but one is still not showing any preflowers and i thought it would by now.

put some pics up of the tent n babies. i think they got a little heat damage but not sure. let me know. putting more pics up later.

just found this site and im so addicted, ill be updating everyday almost. cant wait to see how they turn out!


ive been doing some reading on the yellowing of the tips. i think it might be the chlorine in the tap water im using. i thought i was letting it sit out long enough...guess not. anyone else having this problem?


Active Member
yellowing tips could be from several things, i seen your soil bag says feeds for 6 months so i assume it has time released nutes in it already. so everytime you water you release more of the time released nutes from the soil. whats the N,P,K rating on the bag? whats your PH?


not sure on the ph level cause i dont have a meter. but on the back of the soil it was-----N=0.07% P=0.01% K=0.03%. yea its def time released nutes. i used this once before on an outdoor so seeing how this turns out for the indoor. what do you recommend? ive heard a lot on foxfarm


Active Member
the soil your using should be fine just be easy with the water and if you decide to use it again in the future before you plant in it flush it and let it dry twice to ensure most of the nutes are rinsed out. i've done this many times in the past with miracle grow soil. it works in a pinch. Fox Farm has great products but is it really worth the money you'll pay for dirt? not to me. if you just wanna get a better soil try to find promix at your local nursery or try to find organic soil as it has no time released nutes most times. also a ph tester is worth every penny you pay, usually around 10 or 15 dollar. PH is on of the most common causes for leaf yellowing and stunted growth. if you ph isn't right it can hinder the plants ability to intake nutes. hope this helps the grow


yea im headed up to the store today to pick up a ph meter and then maybe nutes to help balance it out some. i switched them over to 12/12 last night. i added another fan to the mix and 2 cfl's. they are emitting an almost blue light and my buddy said they were the spectrum we needed for flowering...does it anyone know for sure?

i add pics of the light and the new setup. temp is still at a constant 79 and not sure on humidity.

adding more pics tomorrow.



3 of the babies are female for sure while 1 of them im not too sure. it still hasnt shown any pre flowers at all. it doesnt look like its showing seeds either....might be a herm? ill post pics as soon as i can find a good camera to use to get the resolution i need.


Active Member
you want the blue spectrum in veg and more orange red in flowering, the spectrums are 6500k for veg and 2700k in flowering.

some take longer to show sex than others, give it sometime it'll show. males don't show seeds they porduce pollen sacks. you'll know it when you see it. trust me. if you don't see pistils coming from the node just a little ball it's might be a male. JMO


ok i took them both out. they were starting to raise the temp too much anyway...the one is still showing nothing. im keeping fingers crossed for female.