First Indoor Grow....


Active Member
Got pics of my first indoor grow, it's a sativa and i've been feeding it molasses and worm casting tea with a drop of superthrive, been growing for a month and just transplanted a couple of days ago so it's still recovering but so far so good. Please leave any comments on what I can do better. Pics are from around the middle of april to today when i took pics after transplant.



IMG-20120503-00182.jpgIMG-20120503-00183.jpgIMG-20120506-00185.jpgIMG-20120506-00187.jpgbefore transplant

IMG-20120510-00205.jpgIMG-20120510-00208.jpgIMG-20120510-00210.jpgafter transplant, bigger pot, like i said please leave your comments!


Well-Known Member
Hey man great job so far........your pic(10/12) is showing a nitrogen deficiency/or a nute lockout due to bad ph(kinda early for N def/but it's my best guess:confused:)and no it's not a sativa more likely indica dom(hybrid).......any info on your soil/medium/mix/all nute/additives your using would help.........good luck and happy growing


Active Member
yea, my bad everyone, it is a indica, had to look at the pics from my outside grow and they were indeed different. Psuagro: I'm using miracle grow soil and been only using molasses, superthrive, and worm casting tea. Thanks for telling me about the N def, hopefully it's the 2700k light making it look like that on the side of the plant but if not i was wondering why the leave tips been curling a bit, thought it was due to not enough water and the leaves on top look like a bug chewed them but i've been having no other problems from that, ordering bat guano on monday so when it get's here hopefully that will solve the problem, Just got done transferring so i'm just adding straight water till next week. The PH been between 6.2 and 6.8 so far.


Well-Known Member
yea, my bad everyone, it is a indica, had to look at the pics from my outside grow and they were indeed different. Psuagro: I'm using miracle grow soil and been only using molasses, superthrive, and worm casting tea. Thanks for telling me about the N def, hopefully it's the 2700k light making it look like that on the side of the plant but if not i was wondering why the leave tips been curling a bit, thought it was due to not enough water and the leaves on top look like a bug chewed them but i've been having no other problems from that, ordering bat guano on monday so when it get's here hopefully that will solve the problem, Just got done transferring so i'm just adding straight water till next week. The PH been between 6.2 and 6.8 so far.
Ah so it's the cfl showing the yellowing......ha(stoner moment).......leaf curl can be many things, seeing that your using MG(doh) and your other additives(no suprethrive IMO) I would suggest letting your soil dry out completely between waterings(overwatering might be your issue!).......A little addition of cal/mag(horticultural lime/sell at lowes)would also help...........good luck and UNDERFEED your girls, don't forget MG runs a little hot.......happy growing:)


Active Member
thanks for the info, probably another 2 weeks and imma start flowering, just to make sure the plant is back healthy after the transplant, from the pics does anybody think it's a female, I know it earlier but just want everyone's opinion.


Active Member
IMG_20120526_221626.jpgAnother pic of my plant, she started to show sex last Wednesday even though I haven't started 12/12 yet. Any comments appreciated


Active Member
really has came a long way, through pest, nitrogen def, and slow growth in the beginning it has truly bloomed! Stay tuned for more


Active Member

CFL, molasses and big bud for nutes, 3-4 weeks into bud.over5 feet all im 5"8. As you can see the plant stretched a whole lot, the bottom till the middle was growing just fine but when i split the top and it started flowering it stretched. the lights were pretty low but i believe it was the strain. any comments on how i'm doing or what i can do better is appreciated


Well-Known Member
^^^^^well my comment would be that you are doing very well for your first grow/good'll only get better from here..


Active Member
got more pics and a question, saw 2 or three amber trichs today, wondering how long it should be now before i harvest, i was going by weeks but the plant is from a clone so it's more mature then from a seed. any comments are appreciated.