First indoor grow


New Member
Ok this is my first indoor grow and I am learning a lot. I am currently using a soiless mix of coco, perlite and some vermculite. The levels are kinda just eye measured out. The PH is around 6-6.5 normally and I water usually every 2-3 day depending on each plant and how dry the medium is. I am using general hydro for most of my nutes and have a few microbe life nutes as well. I try to keep the ppms at around 800 and use this mix for all 3 strains. I am growing White Widow, Purple Haze and Tahoe OG. For lighting I have 3 2' T5 bulbs kinda just lining the perimeter, Above I have 2 High output compact T5 bulbs held by a grow bright Tek Two ballast. I am not sure of the exact ratings for all the other T5's but the 2 in my ballast produce 10,000 L. I also have two 4" computer fans one as an inlet towards the bottom and It has a filter attached on the outside of the box and the other box fan is for my exhaust and is connected to a carbon filter. I also have another fan with a tube that slowley pushes home made CO2 into the canopy of my girls. This grow room was made out of a old bar that I had built a few year back and had to tear down when I moved. My temps stay at about 75-80 and the humidity is around 50%. This pic was taken on day 25 from clone. I am just trying to get into the community more and learn as much as possible. If anyone has constructive criticism I am open to it. Thank you everyone for taking time to read and let me know if I left some info out.


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Mmm, Coco. Better add a Cal/Mag as Coco seems to need extra Cal. You may benefit from a washing between veg and flower too.


New Member
Contemporary uses of cannabis are as a recreational or medicinal drug, and as part of religious or spiritual rites; the earliest recorded uses date from the 3rd millennium BC. Since the early 20th century cannabis has been subject to legal restrictions with the possession, use, and sale of cannabis preparations containing psychoactive cannabinoids currently illegal in most countries of the world; the United Nations has said that cannabis is the most-used illicit drug in the world. In 2004, the United Nations estimated that global consumption of cannabis indicated that approximately 4% of the adult world population (162 million people) used cannabis annually, and that approximately 0.6% (22.5 million) of people used cannabis daily.


New Member
I add Cal Mag with every feed. I do a heavy feed, light feed then just water. Every 2-3 days is when I water with the appropriate mix.


Well-Known Member
I grow with straight Coco. I know that with coco nutrient solution should be PHed to around 5.8 but can be anywhere between 5.5 and 6.3. Are you adjusting your ph in your nutrient solution? I will say that look very healthy regardless so whatever your doing seems to be working well. I tend to ph a little higher durning flower since P and K are better absorbed in more alkaline conditions. But it wouldn't hurt to adjust your nutrient solution ph a little to bring it down to a around 5.8 ish. Good luck and happy growing.