Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about those first leaves. It does look like a cal-mag deficiency, but your top leaves are looking nice now. Whatever it was could have just been some temporary thing and it looks as though your past that.
I didn't see anything about you measuring your water pH levels. This is something I check daily... almost religiously. What is the pH level of your mag water that you are using? By the way, never heard of magnesium water - You're adding something like CalMagic?
I unfortunately have no pH testing ability right now. I don't have a machine or even strips. This bit of water I am using is coming from tap water, but I will likely use distilled when it is done.
Since I was unable to run to get CalMagic yet, I went with the poor mans route to magnesium (Epsom salts), but had no calcium to add yet. By then I figure I will have CalMagic or something similar.