First indoor/nutrient advice

Hi everyone I'm new to the forum and indoor growing. My seeds just sprouted. I'm using ffof soil and I'm told I dont need nutrients for about the first but would like to figure out which ones to use before I need them. My buddy gave me some he had and didn't use. I'm just wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. Thank you everyone.



Well-Known Member
If you're in FFOF I would try just using the General Organics stuff, but you won't need it for awhile. I'd start with that Organics Grow when you see your plants are ready for more nutes. Personally I don't like to use chemicals in my organic soil, but everyone has their own methods. Good luck man.


Active Member
I use FFof and I Brew organic teas from the soil. I put some of the soil in a tea bag, Brew it for about 24hr and by the end it's got a nice tea color with nutes in it. Anyway not as potent as say tigerbloom, but that's synthetic and can fry your plants esp when using supersoil already.

Edit: this is a large teabag btw able to hold a good little bit of soil.
