First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!


Well-Known Member
Shit, you're telling me! LS will be done first. TW and the two WW to follow and so on and so on. :-)


Well-Known Member
damn, a flash right in your face, what a shitty way to wake up! lol

They look beautiful man, I'm gonna try it as soon as lights go off, I never even thought of taking pics with the flash when the lights were off...


Well-Known Member
Hahahahaha, man it was literally 60 seconds before lights on! Gimme a break ova here!!!!! lol

Try it, I wanna see them!


Well-Known Member
Until I switch them to flower, then again in week 5 & 6 of flower...then water nutrients, water, nutrients...etc.,day with 2 weeks left kool bloom powder, flush, water until chop. :-)

Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom are used from day of flower, until day of flush. Molasses was used too but I stopped.

But mainly it's water, nutrients, water, nutrients...etc.

Here's where everything is at:

7.1 Weeks - LS & TW
5.1 Weeks - WW1 MY1
4.1 Weeks - WW2 MY2
2.2 Weeks - Afgoo
1.3 Weeks - Blackberry
49/36/29/14/10 Days