Well-Known Member
whats up BILL,ok i'll try and keep it short.those autos are F3's of lowlifes auto AK47 X
HINDUKUSH..they came from one of five mother F2's one female and the male were 22 inch tall
pheno(i think was the AK)..then there was a 14 inch tall pheno (which i think was the hindu. says on
lowlifes page that it gets 14inches)...two others were a mix of the two about 16inches (nothing
special IMO)...then there was the fastest one that was about 18 inches (nice plant)..they all showed
sex in about 20 to 25 days. by day 30 there starting to flower. i've had never let them go with out
being seeded, but should be about 10weeks from seed...the problem is that i dont recall which
pheno he has...i know its not the satvia pheno..i think it was the fastest pheno about 75 % sure.
sorry guys, oh and the male for all of them was the AK pheno..should have a good chance of
winning the shotglass contest cause there roots dont get larger at all. good luck hope the info
helped, sorry for the long post machnak..
Yea you fucking better be!!!!!!