First Journal, Master Kush/LemonSkunk/TrainWreck PICS!

Alright everyone! I'm back!!!!! I'm ready for another exciting season for me! I'd be on more but with a 4 BR and two floors the power bill is killing me! But it's been off and it's cooling down so I'll start germinating some little beans here in about a week or two and be back for Round Two! I'll post the link when I get a new journal going!

Other than that, how to hell is everyone!? I'm going to try my best to catch-up on everything but man it's a lot! See ya soon guys!
Alright everyone! I'm back!!!!! I'm ready for another exciting season for me! I'd be on more but with a 4 BR and two floors the power bill is killing me! But it's been off and it's cooling down so I'll start germinating some little beans here in about a week or two and be back for Round Two! I'll post the link when I get a new journal going!

Other than that, how to hell is everyone!? I'm going to try my best to catch-up on everything but man it's a lot! See ya soon guys!

Glad to see you back my friend, youve been missed!!!
Whatare you gonna run this round??

Not quite sure yet. Probably 800 Watts, entire room, just a few? Might do one or two DWC buckets then just soil. I'm also thinking about running some Hydro too...depends on money really haha.

Thanks Mean! Going well no complaints!
Ha gotcha, got a fee from a friend, going to order some and grow the rest of what I have. I'll get the list soon.
Germinating 6 beans now.

2 - LSxMK from my cross last season.
2 - POSS (We'll leave them at that name. Sorry but Genetics gotta stay secret.)
2 - Sativa Autos / SA (From Crosses of HKxAK47 Lowriders, cross with some good ol' Sativa)

Ordering more this week as well as germinating some once I'm off today.

Gonna just build a flower box instead of using the entire room or a new tent...haven't decided. Will pretty much be dimensions of the room but just all enclosed. Two 400W vertical is what I'm going to shoot for. We'll see what I end up doing soon enough.
Wanted to grab a few before I get paid for the bigger order.

I'm ordering -

-Nirvana's Wonder Woman
-Subcool's Querkle
-Big Buddha Blue Cheese
The freebie is a Humboldt seed....anyone grow it?

I really need a Santa to come and drop me off presents.
I hope it's good, I'm really going to try to keep some plants as mothers for a while to have a steady perpetual. We'll see soon enough. :blsmoke:
Alright, Got my first flower closet set-up, it's roughly a 7x4x7. The Veg Tents is good to go as well...just waiting on some tap-roots and we'll get this ball rollin. I'll be picking up a 4x4 Tent for a little more 'flower power' and room in general. As much as I'd like to use the entire room I think it would be be easier...and neater for me to just get another tent. I'll have some pictures shortly of the set-ups.

Order got shipped today as well so hopefully that will be here I'm so impatient and want this to get going already.
Alright, so this is a poor excuse for an update but just wanna show you what I have set-up. Everything minus a 4x4 Tent, pending approval from fiance.

All 6 seeds have shown tap-roots and went into Soil. Again I have -

2 MKxLS (Master Kush x Lemon Skunk, bred my me.)
2 POSS (Secret sorry!)
2 G13xHKxAK (Hindu Kush x AK Auto x G13)

Hoping for sprouts in a day or two. Got watered soil with pH 6.5 Water and 2 drops of superthrive.


Sorry for shitty cell pictures too, told ya it was sorry!

But here's a video of the set-ups thus far.



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All right, as promised! Not that you all haven't seen a Secret Jardin 120...I know, I know, but I get excited with new presents.

It's awesome that I also have to get all the components to go with the new tent though! Lights, probably a 600W or (2) 400W....Fans....thermo's...the work you know?! The good stuff!


Again sorry for shitty cell pics. Let me know what you guys think! Suggestions, comments, anything?

Just waiting on beans to get here and the rest to germinate to fill these tents!