Well-Known Member
YOOOO whats crackin
Alright everyone! I'm back!!!!! I'm ready for another exciting season for me! I'd be on more but with a 4 BR and two floors the power bill is killing me! But it's been off and it's cooling down so I'll start germinating some little beans here in about a week or two and be back for Round Two! I'll post the link when I get a new journal going!
Other than that, how to hell is everyone!? I'm going to try my best to catch-up on everything but man it's a lot! See ya soon guys!
Glad to see you back my friend, youve been missed!!!
Whatare you gonna run this round??
I meant strain wiseNot quite sure yet. Probably 800 Watts, entire room, just a few? Might do one or two DWC buckets then just soil. I'm also thinking about running some Hydro too...depends on money really haha.
Thanks Mean! Going well no complaints!