First Journal


Well-Known Member
Its hard to tell if it needs water or if the heat is the cause for wilting.

Its hard to diagnose and easy to mis-diagnose without some more info about the watering cycles. Its just as bad to over water them, the roots need oxygen, if the soil is always wet your drowning the roots. You said you were using the clear cups to see the soils moisture, have you looked under the plastic to see the moisture between watering.

As you said earlier this week you had trouble with the temps, that would be my first response. Seedlings shouldn't dry up if the soil is moist and the light is not too intense. I've had plants wilt from too much direct sunlight on a sunny day and bounce back with no attention to the soil moisture because I knew the soil moisture was fine.

If you continue to have temp problems I think its time for some venting. You will have to make this wardrobe light proof for blooming so starting the venting now can only help this current situation.

What have you done different lately and do they look any better today?

Anyone have a more definitive answer?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply, they dont look any better...i agree its hard to really tell what happened, the young one definetly died from heat though i think, the leaves were like sand, the 2 left havnt improved at all....the soil is wet underneath but thats cos i watered them plenty when i found them in the bad condition. i usually watered them every 3 days when the soil was dry about 2 - 3 inches down. i think ill leave them be and see what happens. i cant imagine i done any nute burn as the youngest plant hadnt been fertilised yet it died the same time the others dried up....its weird!

the biggest plant i had is still green but wilted with leaves that are really dry, the other now has yellow brown leaves which are softer but do not look healthy. the roots on both plants seem fine but not sure if the plants will pull through okay, just a matter of waiting now i guess :/

got a fan installed now for ventilation and a new seedling planted, 11th time lucky... costly mistakes!