We plan on it.. Money is being spent elsewhere. But I'm buying 2 100' foot rolls tomorrow..Dude, all that concrete and wide open spaces is not doing your growth rates any favors. Get some panda film up on the floor and make walls with it adjacent to the girls, more light=more growth!
Work got cancelled. But I have been driving around still. I love this weather..How's the weather treating you out that way? It's a full blizzard here in the Fort, 30mph gusts, snowing hard, just got a text that they're shutting down bus service at noon.
My stairway commute looks pretty damned good on days like today. I bet you're liking yours, too!
Uh lot of locals in the ditches on the way to denver yesterday.. I will take a count tomorrow after this next blizzard..Fuckin guys driving trucks with Texas plates in the snow... You know what we locals call them? Wrecks looking for a place to happen, lol
It happens so much it's seriously a thing.