First Legal grow and got a huge basement.

Looking great OD. Will this be you're biggest project yet? Looks like a lot of work for an old man like me tho. Looking forward to a journal man! Hope you're enjoying CO man I would love to make a move like that. It's really a beautiful state tho I have never lived in it. I've vaca'd there a couple of times and been through there many times. Have a good one.

What kind of job dos you get? Bar? Construction? MJ? Just curious n
So pros and cons of Colorado.

Cool weather
Even when it's cold it's still not cold. It seems more tolerable then Tx weathers so far.
Zero humidity
Everybody hauls ass on the roads
Everybody seems really nice
Legal bud

My town smells like shit
Zero humidity
I always feel light headed
Out of breath quickly

I think this list needs updating.
Fair enough. For the record, lots o perlite is your friend. Like 50%

I don't know about that best grower stuff, we manage to screw shit up all the time. Soo much to deal with, all day, all the time.

My only suggestion..
Jesus fucking christ pull some leaves of that plant in late flower!!

And careful with panda over drywall, it causes mold. Ask me how I know...

I want to see these led tystick I'd building...

Good advice, all of it.

I want to see my lights in your op, so maybe we should talk.

They are crazy dope. But I promised, I wouldn't talk about them.

He said "this is tomorrow land stuff" lol.. Definity the coldest lights I've seen..

Way to make me sound like a fuckin' crackpot, lol OTOH, if the Mad Scientist shoe fits, wear it with pride...

...and I'm STILL sandbagging y'all. There's even more good stuff coming, just let me test it first!

(But wait! There's more! Lol)
Looking great OD. Will this be you're biggest project yet? Looks like a lot of work for an old man like me tho. Looking forward to a journal man! Hope you're enjoying CO man I would love to make a move like that. It's really a beautiful state tho I have never lived in it. I've vaca'd there a couple of times and been through there many times. Have a good one.

What kind of job dos you get? Bar? Construction? MJ? Just curious n
Probably not my biggest yet. I had a pretty big op going on in Dallas. But this will be better for sure. In Dallas sometimes I was squeezed for cash so couldn't always do things like I wanted. And I didn't really have much help there. But now it's my brother and me. And money is still tight but we have two incomes contributing.

I got a job as a manager in a small restaurant.
@GrowUrOwnDank another thing about Colorado is jobs pay more here then in Texas. And in Tx it's a right to work to work state. Meaning they can fire you for anything no questions asked. Some bosses in Tx take this to the extreme. That does not seem to be the case out here.. Plus people are generally nicer here..

Colorado is a right to work state, too.

And yes, yes we are nicer here. Unless you meet the grumpy old mad scientist and fuck with his secret underground lab.
@GrowUrOwnDank another thing about Colorado is jobs pay more here then in Texas. And in Tx it's a right to work to work state. Meaning they can fire you for anything no questions asked. Some bosses in Tx take this to the extreme. That does not seem to be the case out here.. Plus people are generally nicer here..
Pretty much mostly everybody in the US pays better than my state except perhaps Mississippi, Louisiana and New Mexico. I swear I would sell everything and move, but, been in my house for 17 years and it needs work to get ready to sell. Then theirs a job, which are hard to find at my age. Enjoy your youth son. As a matter of fact I was 33 when I decided to buy this place and settle down. IBefore that I moved probably every few months to 6 tops and even lived in a camper and motor home at times. I was single from the age of 22 to like 45. I had a blast in my youth bro! Enjoy yours homie while you can! Keep us posted man! We enjoy your adventures.
@ODanksta, you are a southern transplant. I heard CO is in a boom. How's finding work? Are you getting in the legal cannabis as a day job?

I want to move up there but heard that the state is saturated.

I sound like you tho. I'm trying to wait my state out, but I finding that is most likely a losing battle.
@ODanksta, you are a southern transplant. I heard CO is in a boom. How's finding work? Are you getting in the legal cannabis as a day job?

I want to move up there but heard that the state is saturated.

I sound like you tho. I'm trying to wait my state out, but I finding that is most likely a losing battle.
Well a pound here is worth about $2000 and in Texas I fetch between 3 to 36. I got a job as a manager at a restaurant in my first 4 days in a little town. There are tons of jobs in Denver and in Fort Collins just to far of a drive for me.. I didn't want to work in marijuana industry because of the basement, I'll get burnt out. Plus that doesn't really seem fun to me. I like chasing tail to much..

Honestly I had no problem with Texas, but I had an opportunity to move, so I took it. And so far I am loving it!!
Well a pound here is worth about $2000 and in Texas I fetch between 3 to 36. I got a job as a manager at a restaurant in my first 4 days in a little town. There are tons of jobs in Denver and in Fort Collins just to far of a drive for me.. I didn't want to work in marijuana industry because of the basement, I'll get burnt out. Plus that doesn't really seem fun to me. I like chasing tail to much..

Honestly I had no problem with Texas, but I had an opportunity to move, so I took it. And so far I am loving it!!

2 racks. Damn. I getting 3 for a elbow.
I dunno if you know, but I believe that once you get an established veg, I think no-till organic in 30+ gallon pots is the most efficient method considering plant count to hardy colas. Or even raised indoor beds.

Have ever heard of a guy named @doubleds? Hey was basically doing verticals like 15 years ago..

Bro being straight up don't waste your time going vert the numbers do not match up one fucking bit i am a say it as it is kinda guy and really do not ,
Care if i hurt anyone's feelings like seriously our imaginary internet friends haha when you really think about it ,,
Seriously Vert struggles to compete with horizontal, you always here the more space area but yet when you look at these donut meatheads
You only see so many plants
Now not saying having some vertical lighting in shaded areas or supplemental lighting to complement the horizontal is bad idea No its good idea
but when we look at the numbers like 135 percent more space ??? A lot of people are doing 0.5gpw, but are reluctant to change the system because of what's possible, not what is ever likely to happen.
For me, the whole vertical = bigger yields is just a myth which has run wild since heath pulled that fantastic 2gpw grow. People are chasing the dream and failing time after time, that's just a fact evidenced by the average results of every documented vertical grow on the internet.
your much better off going horizontal any day of the week just saying don't get fooled
Vertical growing comes with some serious challenges, and it's those challenges that stop it from being the hyper efficient super yielder that a lot of people go into it thinking it will be.

It's those challenges which ultimately balance the scales with horizontal, and mean that in the end the results don't marry up with statistics like "135% more growing area" If they did, there's be no debate.
Now not trying to start anything its your grow do what ever you like and what you feel will work the best for your situation
Its all about the numbers at the end of the day veg times it is very ironic vert growers tend to leave that out haha i mean seriously Ask leagally flying what is numbers were 32,000 watts i bet .3 - .4 gpw
i would destroy them numbers same k wattage same strain 2 week veg plants 500 plants DESTROY and that is being efficient

Here some plant porn they will be 2 pound plants each plant has easy 50 - 60 tops with extreme tight internodes
I will post pictures later on with 0 larf compared to Vertical again another myth ran wild anyways
4 week veg 400 watts for 2 weeks and 600 now 2 weeks another week and flip
20 gallon organic water only 1.96 GPW IMG2889.jpg IMG2896.jpg IMG2901.jpg IMG2886.jpg
I had 14 hoods sold 6 of them I didn't like. But buying four new ones tomorrow. So thats 12K for flower. 2k for veg.. 3 flower rooms of 4K each, set three weeks apart. That allows 9 weeks to flower. Harvest 6 pounds every three weeks. Thats $12K every threeweeks on wholesale. And that's being very conservative
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looks good ! puling for ya buddy :)
side note unless you got homies coming up so to speak . the wholesale prices have been a little softer than 2k i am told
hope i am wrong .
Bro being straight up don't waste your time going vert the numbers do not match up one fucking bit i am a say it as it is kinda guy and really do not ,
Care if i hurt anyone's feelings like seriously our imaginary internet friends haha when you really think about it ,,
Seriously Vert struggles to compete with horizontal, you always here the more space area but yet when you look at these donut meatheads
You only see so many plants
Now not saying having some vertical lighting in shaded areas or supplemental lighting to complement the horizontal is bad idea No its good idea
but when we look at the numbers like 135 percent more space ??? A lot of people are doing 0.5gpw, but are reluctant to change the system because of what's possible, not what is ever likely to happen.
For me, the whole vertical = bigger yields is just a myth which has run wild since heath pulled that fantastic 2gpw grow. People are chasing the dream and failing time after time, that's just a fact evidenced by the average results of every documented vertical grow on the internet.
your much better off going horizontal any day of the week just saying don't get fooled
Vertical growing comes with some serious challenges, and it's those challenges that stop it from being the hyper efficient super yielder that a lot of people go into it thinking it will be.

It's those challenges which ultimately balance the scales with horizontal, and mean that in the end the results don't marry up with statistics like "135% more growing area" If they did, there's be no debate.
Now not trying to start anything its your grow do what ever you like and what you feel will work the best for your situation
Its all about the numbers at the end of the day veg times it is very ironic vert growers tend to leave that out haha i mean seriously Ask leagally flying what is numbers were 32,000 watts i bet .3 - .4 gpw
i would destroy them numbers same k wattage same strain 2 week veg plants 500 plants DESTROY and that is being efficient

Here some plant porn they will be 2 pound plants each plant has easy 50 - 60 tops with extreme tight internodes
I will post pictures later on with 0 larf compared to Vertical again another myth ran wild anyways
4 week veg 400 watts for 2 weeks and 600 now 2 weeks another week and flip
20 gallon organic water only 1.96 GPW View attachment 3598028 View attachment 3598030 View attachment 3598031 View attachment 3598032

why do your plants look all shitty?
Shit nighha, come play in portland, I'm selling 5 packs for less than 19 each. And we are talking tested FIRE.

TYSTICK, send me a picture of this vert LED. I have been doing a little research, not on RIU obviously because it's full of retards, but a couple good threads on thcfarmer.

I get a 5 pack out of every harvest. I don't be trying to move wieght.

If it was in a legal market I would approach things differently.
Im trying something new with LEDs, 1\3 vertical (side lighting) and 2\3 horizontal lighting. The canopy is 4' wide up against the wall, panda film on the wall, so horizontal ligths are covering 4 feet from the wall and vertical sidelights are sitting about 6' from the wall. I am getting no larf. Its great, plus the light bounce on the panda film. Its really working well, Id say I probably have 60-70 watts per sq ft but I am getting big nugs top to bottom. Granted I have a large grow area compared to the canopy size.
@ttystikk hey buddy that bubblegum you gave me is pretty good stuff. It has a nice indica growth and bud structure but has a very pleasant sativa high.. I've been smoking it all day and really enjoying it. Thanks man..

Where is that bubblegum from?