First Legal grow and got a huge basement.

So how's the basement coming?
So how's the basement coming?
Good. We haven't done anything yet. We got atleast a month before we can flower anything out. We will be pheno hunting. So probably longer. We have to establish mothers, take cuttings then flower those to see what we have..

Like I said, we need to find heavy indica phenos that resemble your typical OG's..
One thing my brother and I see eye to eye on, is breeding. We will be doing seed runs in one way or another. I'm thinking about buying a bunch of little tents and throwing a little 150hps in each for my own person breeding projects..
I've always been too scared of pollen n seeding a crop n being fucked.
It's really not that hard.

So basically you pop some seeds, find a male that has stellar traits (purple, trics, squat growth, vigorous, knuckles on branches) then stick in a seperate part of the house like the garage in a tent. Flower him out collect the pollen, store the pollen in Air tight containers in the freezer. Then pick you best female phenos. Take them into "the garage" hit them with pollen. Let it sit for about 12 hours. Then rinse her off really good for two days, twice a day. Then stick her back into the flower room making sure she doesn't touch other plants. Hit the females around the 4th week of flowers.

It's not like a hermie dropping pollen in a room. It doesn't have any reason to spread to plant to plant using this method.
Bro being straight up don't waste your time going vert the numbers do not match up one fucking bit i am a say it as it is kinda guy and really do not ,
Care if i hurt anyone's feelings like seriously our imaginary internet friends haha when you really think about it ,,
Seriously Vert struggles to compete with horizontal, you always here the more space area but yet when you look at these donut meatheads
You only see so many plants
Now not saying having some vertical lighting in shaded areas or supplemental lighting to complement the horizontal is bad idea No its good idea
but when we look at the numbers like 135 percent more space ??? A lot of people are doing 0.5gpw, but are reluctant to change the system because of what's possible, not what is ever likely to happen.
For me, the whole vertical = bigger yields is just a myth which has run wild since heath pulled that fantastic 2gpw grow. People are chasing the dream and failing time after time, that's just a fact evidenced by the average results of every documented vertical grow on the internet.
your much better off going horizontal any day of the week just saying don't get fooled
Vertical growing comes with some serious challenges, and it's those challenges that stop it from being the hyper efficient super yielder that a lot of people go into it thinking it will be.

It's those challenges which ultimately balance the scales with horizontal, and mean that in the end the results don't marry up with statistics like "135% more growing area" If they did, there's be no debate.
Now not trying to start anything its your grow do what ever you like and what you feel will work the best for your situation
Its all about the numbers at the end of the day veg times it is very ironic vert growers tend to leave that out haha i mean seriously Ask leagally flying what is numbers were 32,000 watts i bet .3 - .4 gpw
i would destroy them numbers same k wattage same strain 2 week veg plants 500 plants DESTROY and that is being efficient

Here some plant porn they will be 2 pound plants each plant has easy 50 - 60 tops with extreme tight internodes
I will post pictures later on with 0 larf compared to Vertical again another myth ran wild anyways
4 week veg 400 watts for 2 weeks and 600 now 2 weeks another week and flip
20 gallon organic water only 1.96 GPW View attachment 3598028 View attachment 3598030 View attachment 3598031 View attachment 3598032
2 lbs each on those plants... lol. We don't count the weight of the stalks in the harvest caculation, you know that right?

The best thing I love about new grow room pictures is how fucking clean and tidy shit is. Everything has its space, everything is all white and clean.

It will never, ever, never look like that again. Leaf blowers, shop vacs, brooms, bleach, doesn't fucking matter. Prepare yourself for the shit storm of filth that is indoor growing :)
The best thing I love about new grow room pictures is how fucking clean and tidy shit is. Everything has its space, everything is all white and clean.

It will never, ever, never look like that again. Leaf blowers, shop vacs, brooms, bleach, doesn't fucking matter. Prepare yourself for the shit storm of filth that is indoor growing :)
Agreed when i grew in pots it was a fucking mess constant wet spots , soil on floor , leafs etc Then i switched to tote growing with out any drains and it made a world of difference in cleanliness
Doesn't work like that, you can put in a 200A box but if you only have 100 A coming in from outside, your brand new shiny 200A box is going to put out only 100A.

Does work like that. The amount of amps you have coming into your house isn't equal to your box size holmes. That's why you can put 500 amps in a 100 amp box and 1000 amps in a 200 amp box
Does work like that. The amount of amps you have coming into your house isn't equal to your box size holmes. That's why you can put 500 amps in a 100 amp box and 1000 amps in a 200 amp box

Like I said before I'm no electrician but I find it hard to believe that just changing your 100A breaker box in your basement to a 200A breaker box will give 200A without changing the service from the pole outside your home to 200A. Not to mention that the service wires need to be upgraded because you're now doubling the load.

Unless of course you figured out a way to safely double your load and NOT change the service.

My retired buddy is a master electrician and he told me unless service line is 2/0 copper or 4/0 aluminum your stuck at 100A (especially in older homes). Check NEC code 310.5b and 310.6

Otherwise the OP will risk a fire in his home he doesn't need bad info.

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Like I said before I'm no electrician but I find it hard to believe that just changing your 100A breaker box in your basement to a 200A breaker box will give 200A without changing the service from the pole outside your home to 200A. Not to mention that the service wires need to be upgraded because you're now doubling the load.

Unless of course you figured out a way to safely double your load and NOT change the service.

My retired buddy is a master electrician and he told me unless service line is 2/0 copper or 4/0 aluminum your stuck at 100A (especially in older homes). Check NEC code 310.5b and 310.6

Otherwise the OP will risk a fire in his home he doesn't need bad info.

I never said I switching to 200amp I will only be running 12K off the 100amp panel and I have easily, another 80amps free from upstairs.

This house was previously used for the exact same wattage.