First Lowryder Grow -- everything look normal?

Hello, all. My basic question is: Are my Lowryder #2s normal?

I bought them from "The Attitude Seed Bank" (they were the pinnacle of fantastic to deal with, as a company). When I see pictures of other peoples' Lowryder plants, they look small, like the height of a pencil. Mine are practically breaking out of the closet where they're housed.

My setup: A home-built ebb/flow system, seeds germinated and put into peat pellets and hydroton-filled net pots, 25W CFL bulbs (four over each of three sets of 6 plants), Botanicare nutes.

I added datestamps to my pictures to help show their progress. Please tell me what you think... if they look okay or if something looks wrong.



Well-Known Member
Those are huge for LR2's!! That's what they do if they are looking for more light - opposite of what you would think. Your setup needs more light or they will grow really tall and bushy with fluffy ass buds. I know you don't want to hear this, but you should stick a 400watt HPS in there. I made the switch and was glad I did. Otherwise you are just going to dump more and more money into CFL's to give em enough light and keep them contained.


Well-Known Member
To answer your question, yes they are acting normal for LR2's with Not enough light. If you are worried about heat don't. One 400W HPS will give off about the same amount of heat as would all the additional CFL's you will require to give you tight buds. If you absolutely want to stay with CFL's then get a bunch more and next grow keep them as close as possible to the plants in the early stages of growth to keep them from getting so big. Then you will have short compact plants that will not need as much light and your plants will each look like one giant bud.