first lsd trip

I mean, if ANYONE takes a psychedelic , it will show THEM the deepest parts of Their soul.

The experience WILL shove the trippers karma straight into Their face to show Them WHO THEY truly are...
i agree with all of that besides the karma part, lsd made me snap out of my alchol addiction and me realize it will continue to ruin my life and make me a idiot unless i lay off it, i also feel like it helped me depression wise
I mean, if ANYONE takes a psychedelic , it will show THEM the deepest parts of Their soul.

The experience WILL shove the trippers karma straight into Their face to show Them WHO THEY truly are...
ooh yeah i thought that first cause i know karma is also about your thoughts, you are right, nice way to say it!
Nah. I am just one lazy son of a bitch and will let karma take care of YOU.
Instead of ME taking care of YOUR bullshit information.

Settle down space cadet, weed and psychs are supposed to make you more loving and peaceful. I'd hardly call correcting your miss information about a drug 'bullshit' information. You clearly don't have much of a clue about the drugs you talk about or how they work. You just constantly regurgitate the same dosage information every few days which you've been doing for months. Information that's already plastered all over the internet

I told you this months ago but you really need to lay off the drugs, you've gone from funny weird to absolutely delusional these days
I agree I quit drinking and went on a 3 month acid trip bbq remembers this lol it helped but there is a 2 much point I tripped about every 3 days during that period for tolernce reasons
lsd is such a clean drug haha some ppl believe ppl who truly enjoy every second of psychedelics and learn from them are a devine race, is too bad 99% of the population have a completely bizarre opinion of it, i don't understand how ppl freak out so bad from it i had a bad trip once on high dose of mushrooms and didn't do anything retarded cause i have a way of telling myself its just the drugs

never touching those shrooms again i'll tell u that much talk about a mind fuck
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lsd is such a clean drug haha some ppl believe ppl who truly enjoy every second of psychedelics and learn from them are a devine race, is too bad 99% of the population have a completely bizarre opinion of it, i don't understand how ppl freak out so bad from it i had a bad trip once on high dose of mushrooms and didn't do anything retarded cause i have a way of telling myself its just the drugs

never touching those shrooms again i'll tell u that much talk about a mind fuck
It is too bad that 99% of the public are misguided on the subject.

I understand why people freak out on psychedelics... Wanna know why?
I find when taking a low dose of alprazolam about 500μgs or lorazepam 1mg I hardely get any of the negative side effects while tripping. This also depends on how your body and mind react to benzodiazepines. You can safely combine these benzos with LSD. Some people at that dose it can be too much and just put them to sleep but for me it hardly makes me tired. Just a little more relaxed and anxiety free. Also people that freak out and go to the hospital they usually give them lorazepam or diazepam at a higher dose IV and a big bill.

I'm not a DR, try at your own risk. Everyone knocks Benzos, yes they can be dangerous, but they are much safer than so many other meds out there. Never combine them with alcohol or narcotics. They are safe for most people when used at proper doses in moderation. Just don't be a junkie with the benzos and have a wonderful trip!
It is too bad that 99% of the public are misguided on the subject.

I understand why people freak out on psychedelics... Wanna know why?
cause they're pussies? lol jk

cause they either loose they're ego and get exposed to how rotten of a person they are, loose touch with reality, forget its just a drug, bad environment, or nausea
I find when taking a low dose of alprazolam about 500μgs or lorazepam 1mg I hardely get any of the negative side effects while tripping. This also depends on how your body and mind react to benzodiazepines. You can safely combine these benzos with LSD. Some people at that dose it can be too much and just put them to sleep but for me it hardly makes me tired. Just a little more relaxed and anxiety free. Also people that freak out and go to the hospital they usually give them lorazepam or diazepam at a higher dose IV and a big bill.

I'm not a DR, try at your own risk. Everyone knocks Benzos, yes they can be dangerous, but they are much safer than so many other meds out there. Never combine them with alcohol or narcotics. They are safe for most people when used at proper doses in moderation. Just don't be a junkie with the benzos and have a wonderful trip!
i like mixing benzos with coke and alcohol lol, yea im a bit of a junky and couldn't care less ive had suicidal tenancies my entire life
i like mixing benzos with coke and alcohol lol, yea im a bit of a junky and couldn't care less ive had suicidal tenancies my entire life
coke is usually shit and doesn't last long enough. amphetamines are safer and legal. I don't like putting things in my nose.
I prefer benzos but I take two much of em
I mean, if ANYONE takes a psychedelic , it will show THEM the deepest parts of Their soul.

The experience WILL shove the trippers karma straight into Their face to show Them WHO THEY truly are...
Yeah a large dose of mushrooms showed me who I was a few years ago. Needless to say, I'm a a lot different nowadays.