First Med Coco Grow - finished


Well-Known Member
dayummm man thats some DANK bud!

Id give a finger for a qp of that
Omg look at that crazy dank. I am really happy for your bro.
Super dank bud man. Wish I had that same strain....... We will see what my PK does....
Thank you for the kind words. It is good to hear. Being that this is my first grow, I really don't have anything to compare it to, but everytime I walk in the room, I think this shit is nutz. :weed:
Thanks again for the compliments. :)


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the kind words. It is good to hear. Being that this is my first grow, I really don't have anything to compare it to, but everytime I walk in the room, I think this shit is nutz. :weed:
Thanks again for the compliments. :)

Man, doesn't it make it even more exciting because this is our first grow.

The color is so beautiful, almost unreal, very unique.


Well-Known Member
Man, doesn't it make it even more exciting because this is our first grow.

The color is so beautiful, almost unreal, very unique.
Exactly bender, it totally does. Thank you bender. The color's have been changing the last few days to, getting more purple. They do almost look plastic or something. The leaves are very course and prickely now. I have kept my room temps at 74-78 deg 24/7 too. Next run, I will drop the temps at night, which should make the colors come out more since it really isn't necassary to keep the room that warm with lights out. Just one of those things I learned on this grow. I feel like I have learned so much and am much more confident about growing, but at the same time am still overwhelmed by how much I have to learn. lol

One more thing about learning. Since I have the two mystery girls that I have been training and working with for the next round, I have found some big differences with the lsting and suppercropping. I had researched how to pinch and bend before, but the pk was a bitch to pinch with your fingers and I was wondering what the hell everyone is talking about when they say listen for the snap or crunch. Well MBS ( that's what I am calling the mystery bag seed from now on) pinches very easily so now I get it. I still can't pinch the pk unless I am close to the tops.


Well-Known Member
I feel like I have learned so much and am much more confident about growing, but at the same time am still overwhelmed by how much I have to learn. lol
You speak the truth about how much there is to learn. It's like the first grow is elementary school or something... you learn how things should be. Then you get to be more in depth with the subjects that interest you. There are so many damn variable, I feel like I'll be learning my whole life. I guess it is a practice, like medicine. You don't master it... just keep practicing, getting better. Attaining higher and higher levels of mastery, but never reaching ultimate mastery.

I am looking forward to watching all the grows you decide to share with us. That's one thing for sure... growing with all the peeps on rollitup helps you learn so much more than just growing by yourself.

I don't know anything about pinching sorry.

And what is with the Raiders loosing to the damn Browns? jeez. Make's my broncos look that much worse.

Last thing... don't those leaves look wild. Totally like they are plastic. Just boggles my mind how they look.



Well-Known Member
You speak the truth about how much there is to learn. It's like the first grow is elementary school or something... you learn how things should be. Then you get to be more in depth with the subjects that interest you. There are so many damn variable, I feel like I'll be learning my whole life. I guess it is a practice, like medicine. You don't master it... just keep practicing, getting better. Attaining higher and higher levels of mastery, but never reaching ultimate mastery.

I am looking forward to watching all the grows you decide to share with us. That's one thing for sure... growing with all the peeps on rollitup helps you learn so much more than just growing by yourself.

I don't know anything about pinching sorry.

And what is with the Raiders loosing to the damn Browns? jeez. Make's my broncos look that much worse.

Last thing... don't those leaves look wild. Totally like they are plastic. Just boggles my mind how they look.

Thank you so much jig for your typical kind words and thoughtful post. I know what you mean about feeling like your in school. I majored in engineering in college and am a financial advisor for a large firm now. I am constantly taking courses at work from the college of financial planning and ce courses. Anyway, my point is that I am an educated guy and am used to learning, but damn the learning curve with marijuana cultivation is a steep one. It is very captivating however and it is fun to learn. It's like the course in HS or College that some found difficult, but you thought we a sinch, because you were fascinated by the subject.

Aa for the Raiders, Bro we can beat Phili, Cinci, Pitt, Denver, but we can't beat the shitty teams. So you should feel better about the company your broncos are in this year that have fallen to the Silver and Black. I laughed out loud when I read you comment about making the Broncos looking worse. lol


Well-Known Member
Damn man, I am running out of room in my veg box. The two MBS( that's what I am calling the mystery bag seed for now) girls are bullies and taking up so much room. I have bent, topped, tied down and I just can't keep them back. They really need to be moved into the flower room aleady. I am gonna be so busy harvesting and trimming and I want to makes some tweaks to my flower room before I put the flowering girls in there. uhhgg, deep sigh...It is gonna be a crazy weekend for me. I also have the last home Raider game on Sunday. I just hope the mbs is worth all the accomodations I am making for them. :/ The only reason I have them is that my buddy threw a hand full of seeds in a paper towel a couple of months ago and didn't set up his grow, so I kind of adopted them. The two that were not sativa, not males, and not runts are the two that are left. They look phenomenal, so we will see.


Well-Known Member
I think you are just trippin RaiderFan. I think that's some hairs dancing with eachother.

I hope I'm right.


Well-Known Member
Exactly bender, it totally does. Thank you bender. The color's have been changing the last few days to, getting more purple. They do almost look plastic or something. The leaves are very course and prickely now. I have kept my room temps at 74-78 deg 24/7 too. Next run, I will drop the temps at night, which should make the colors come out more since it really isn't necassary to keep the room that warm with lights out. Just one of those things I learned on this grow. I feel like I have learned so much and am much more confident about growing, but at the same time am still overwhelmed by how much I have to learn. lol

One more thing about learning. Since I have the two mystery girls that I have been training and working with for the next round, I have found some big differences with the lsting and suppercropping. I had researched how to pinch and bend before, but the pk was a bitch to pinch with your fingers and I was wondering what the hell everyone is talking about when they say listen for the snap or crunch. Well MBS ( that's what I am calling the mystery bag seed from now on) pinches very easily so now I get it. I still can't pinch the pk unless I am close to the tops.

Yeah bro, definitely feeling more confident for the next round.

Yeah I definitely notice a difference in supercropping/LSTing/FIMMING/Topping between different strains.

Some strains don't respond well to certain techniques, others respond like a charm.

Did the PK at least respond well to supercropping, did you experiment with and without it.


Well-Known Member
I cant wait to see those all trimmed up

Me either my man, me either. 3 days

looks like a bug lol
aphids? are they the clear ones?
Damn damn, damn. I was reviewing the pics and looking at trichs and wham, I saw this fucking thing. I'm looking at it thinking..hmm is that some hairs or is that an aphid. I don't know if it is clear or not becaise I haven't seen any on the sticky traps or when I am watering..I'll have to look real good tonight.

May be an aphid. he is lurking.
I know huh, little lurking bitch.nking he is all sneaky and shit.

I think you are just trippin RaiderFan. I think that's some hairs dancing with eachother.

I hope I'm right.
I hope so, man I kept looking for leggs inthe pic and didn't see any, but those do look like antenae.
Here is a pic I found of one on the net

And here is the pic of my possible aphid

Yeah bro, definitely feeling more confident for the next round.

Yeah I definitely notice a difference in supercropping/LSTing/FIMMING/Topping between different strains.

Some strains don't respond well to certain techniques, others respond like a charm.

Did the PK at least respond well to supercropping, did you experiment with and without it.
Oh yeah the pk is perfect for all those techniques, well I didn't top any of the pk, but did everything else. I kind of wish that I would have just ran all pk again, because due to crowding in my veg box, I haven't been able suppercrop them as much as I wanted to. The MSB is are just hogs, they want to spread their, if I let them they woudl be over 3 ft tall and 3 foot around by now.



Well-Known Member
doesnt appear dark enough to be hairs, wonder how that got there though

still an amazing grow with amazing buds and colors none the less


Well-Known Member
Ok... so I know it's absolutely pointless to argue about this.... BUT... the more I look at that thing the more I see pistils man. Everything is the exact same color... the 'antanae' are the same as the body... the bugs it's not; they are distinct appendages. And are you thinking the black spots are eyes? Those are totally the same color as the shadow next to the 'bug'.

About football... I guess I'll take it as a compliment that my team got beat by the Raiders. Good company indeed.

And while I'm babbling... I grew PK. 4 plants. I topped one of them. The untopped plants got 13.5, 14, 21 grams. The topped one got 16 grams. Not sure what that means, but there you go. I will say the topped plant was more work to trim.


Well-Known Member
it is a soybean aphid......

Pirate Bugs are your best bet to get rid of them.... though this far into it, short of infestation, best just leave alone, and sterilize before next round.
Thanks for the info dragon. yeah I have 3 more days until chop chop. I could cut now and just hang in the room for a few days before trim if I had to, but will probably just wait it out now. How much damage can these little guys do in 3 days that they haven't already done? Fuckin bugs man, as soon as stopped the azatrol they started showing up in many forms. I picked up some azamax to drench, diotamaceous earth to put on top of medium, and I will steralize the room before they go in.


Well-Known Member
won't do any real damage.

with most pests that size, it really takes a lot of them to cause any definitive damage, and a decent amount of time. You'll be fine :)