First Medical Grow ... Need trichs Everywhere... Soil or Hydro


I am still trying to figure out exactly which way I should go. I will start with my 12 plants that i am able to grow (but will increase with time and experience). Everyone is telling me I shouldnt go hydro my first grow but i am incredibly stubborn and want to go hydro. I will have about 7000usd to start my room, which is plenty to do either I am sure. I basically have a few questions

1) Am I going to fail super hard going hydro my first grow (i have a good eye for detail and feel like i will be fine)
2) Which will yield better? and i really dont mean just quantity... Quality is more important to me than quantity. ( I would pry rather have 1 gram of some super super fire than a lbs of shitty hood buds)
3) Which type of hydro system and medium... I was thinking flood and flow... didnt know if expanded clay or rockwool would be better for first time grower (ive heard rockwool has a non neutral ph level and you have to fix that before you use it)
4) approximate set up cost (i know its all dependent on amount of lights filters fans and such... Kinda just wondering how you would spend the money)
5) someone give me one of those new iGrows ... I want one NOW :)

Thanks for your time...


Active Member
1) it all depends on how well you research your enemy. You have much more control over detail in hydro and are able to fix things quickly. Soil is more forgiving but takes longer to correct a mistake(usually).
2) hydro will almost always yield more bud than soil. There are a few jedis out there that are pullin hydro yields out of soil.
As for quality, I have smoked some hydro buds that were top shelf goodness. A couple of my fellow grower friends use coco and Rockwool as a medium and they are handling shit. Buds are frosty and taste really good. It all depends on the hand of the grower.
3) as for what type of system, this should be based on what you feel comfortable with and understand. There are so many: dwc, flood and drain, nft, coco, hydroton, rockwool, soil, ect. It depends on your surroundings(size of grow space and availability of products around you.) I personally am a soil worker. It is freaking messy at times but its what I started with and am comfortable with. It's hard to break habits. If i was you id start small until you get comfortable with a system. just in case you decide to change your mind you don't have to Craigslist all the equipment. That's just me, if your confident in your knowledge say to hell with it and go balls out. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
if u are new at this

go soil acts as a buffer so u have more room to mess up but still learn and get something out of it ........the yeild is smaller with soil but it is easier to controll and learn on


Well-Known Member
I started with soil after a few grows moved to DWC. I liked DWC the yields were awesome, the setup was cheap and easy but I just didnt like the smoke as much so now I am back in soil, the way mother nature intended it lol just my .02... Best of luck and dont over do it....its just a weed in the end

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
I would do DWC hydro with expanded clay for medium , Just make sure you have a ph tester and a ppm meter. Yield would be better, But if you wanted the best tasting with slightly less yield go soil. as for the igrow induction lighting , I would stick with hps and spend the money you save on ventilation, IMO induction lighting is a hype and I personally dont like them. I had one for a grow and was not impressed, It was like a cfl on steroids but with the withdraws of cfl, Less yield, airy buds not as many crystals... It was like a 1200 dollar cfl bulb lol. But that was just my experience , Others may vary and prolly will