First Micro Cfl Grow!


Hello again riu! I am starting on a micro cfl soil based grow. Here is a quick run down of my setup right now.

2x3 panda film grow tent about 3 high as well.
4 23 watt cfls.
Yup that's it I am going to add more to the tent as it is needed, as I am not even at the seedling stage yet.

I soaked 17 seeds supposedley from nirvana seed bank in bottled water and a drop of gh flora gro. Then dropped them in rapid rooter plugs and placed them the prop tray w/dome.

I am planning on using alot of 32oz powerade bottles as my planters, duct taped up to protect those precious roots. Got the idea from dr bud green!

I guess what I really want is some help with my feeding schedule. And of course any other info as well

Gh flora micro, grow, and bloom.
Cheap top soil from home depot and pearlite.


I use GH as well, whatever the directions on the bottle says, use 1/4 of what it tells you to for the first feeding. Then I would build up to 1/2 suggested, then finally full suggested. Also when you are switching to flower use both the grow and bloom nutes together, 1/2 suggested use each. I would also recommend getting a lot more bulbs if your growing 17 plants. I would say 1 bulb per plant once they start vegetative growth. Also I don't know how well your 2x3 tent is going to work for 17 plants, it's going to be crowded to say the least. Good luck!
Do you have a certain strain?
Do you have cooling fans?


Mw... For nutes am I still measuring by the gallon since it's soil or...? And I am planning on puttingmore bulbs in over the plants and under or perhaps the sides as well. I am going to be running 2 cmf fans for intake and 1 fan in front of my DIY carbon scrubber. And I know 2x3 sounds small but the planters are the bottom of powerade bottles... Sorry just noticed that I forgot to say I am aiming for a " micro sog" grow. Maybe that explains the cramped condition.


Ok, your situation makes sense now. And yes your still measuring by the gallon for soil. Im really interested in seeing this grow w/e you get a chance man. Any clue on what each plant might yeild with this kind of grow? Sounds like something I might give a shot.


here are the first set of pics... Feedback please!:eyesmoke:



Interesting... Chin rubbing interesting....

I like it! Can I request a pic of the intake fan? and perhaps suggest adding 1 more? Do you have a digital temp reader?


Lab... I haven't set up the intake fans yet, had to cut it short today for qt time with the fam. I'm sure I will have it inplace and posted tomorrow. I have 2 fans that I took from my computer, do you think that would be good? I can get a bigger fan if needed though. And yes I have a temp and r/h meter from my previous grow.
To mw... Im going off what I read on other threads from a guy named dr budgreengenes. He said he averages 7-21 grams per plant but he uses 20oz pop bottles cut in half mine are 32oz cut in half. So I at least hope to achieve the same results but I guess we will see. And sorry I forgot to answer ur earlier question, no I don't know what strain the seeds are.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man, just keep it updated. Maybe check out the newbie thread if you have any questions. Id be interested to see how your clear planters work, as light is bad for roots.


Active Member
Patron you don't have much here to talk about. The only pics you have are a couple sprouts and mostly dirt in clear containers. I know very well who you are talking about (Dr Bud) and his plants do look very good. Best of luck. More pictures and in depth information would produce more structured feedback.

If I show you a picture of my sprout and ask for feedback what else can you say besides "It looks great," or "It looks unhealthy."

If I show you tons of pictures of my veggers and lots of information about their feeding/watering schedule, temperature fluctuations, etc. then you probably have a lot you could give me in terms of feedback.

bill johnson

Patron you don't have much here to talk about. The only pics you have are a couple sprouts and mostly dirt in clear containers. I know very well who you are talking about (Dr Bud) and his plants do look very good. Best of luck. More pictures and in depth information would produce more structured feedback.

If I show you a picture of my sprout and ask for feedback what else can you say besides "It looks great," or "It looks unhealthy."

If I show you tons of pictures of my veggers and lots of information about their feeding/watering schedule, temperature fluctuations, etc. then you probably have a lot you could give me in terms of feedback.

I tottally agree with ya


If I'm not posting I'm still trolling your grow dude. You got a nice setup going, my current grow went hermie because of a small light leak. So make sure your grow room is 100% completely ridiculously dark....seriously get in there with lights on in the room and check to see any light at all. Let's see some more pic's, I'm sure your girls have grown.