First Midwest Guerilla Grow

we went out today and there was water on the plants. it has been

completely sunny and rained at 3 a.m. tonight at 8 p.m. it was still sunny

with low humidity. the plants were really droopy but not wilted. with these

water droplets on them, we dont understand considering its been a

completely sunny day and gets direct sunlight all day. if anyone can help

explain this please post :confused:
new 2 site,signed in just to give you outdoor growers in the midwest the thumbs up!I started outdoors HERE in the midwest 4yrs ago!indoors/breeding almost 20yrs!I know alot about ordering,growing,breeding the VERY best strains (imo) for outdoors around midwest!modest huh?and been acclimating strains that yeild incredible!But if a newbie,high yeilds really shouldnt be 1st concern!sometimes od bud mold can take over big time!destroying complete crops!so very dense high yeilding strains sound ooooh sooo tempting!they did when I started outdoors!better to plant a few extra girls than try to break the bank w/one!a few tips I steal golf course netting 4 fencing,and also use plenty of fishing line
cause both are total stealth guerilla grow
assets!if need to spread out on hike buy a posthole digger(auger) 1man $200 homedepot! most of all best genetics..Pm me or buy from nextgenerations bonkers,diablo,flyn dutchmams haleys comet beleive me Ive even supplied 1st cannabis club in sf w/nuggs clones,ect...
and cali kids have 2 know their shit!PEACE!!! ps I have quantity deals on outdoor seed stock!!!