First mushroom grow harvest time!


Active Member
Wow man those look amazing!
Are you going to print them so you can keep this strain going?
Might as well colonize your own spawn now!


Active Member
It's not hard if you can keep it all sterile.
You would need to invest in a fruiting chamber(area with high humidity, FC) and a glove box(sterile draft-free environment, GB).
An incubator is a necessity if you have a cold house. The cabinet above your refrigerator works great too.
I will post what I have posted in many threads before, hope it helps you out!

Remember, you do NOT need to follow them to the tee. Just make sure you understand what is happening and you can basically do it the best way that suits your situation best.

All in one:
Mycology Unveiled (Has lots of good info in it. I wouldn't follow the guides on it, but seriously, read the information in it! It WILL help you so much!

Simple glovebox (basically my exact glovebox, except for the fact that I just use rubber gloves, and don't deal with tyvek sleeves)
Shadow box

Fruiting Chamber:
Zombie tubs (Really good mini bulk fruiting chamber, I'm making one for my next grow :smile:)
Large FC


Tub in tub (TiT) (cant find a link to it, but its a water heater in a tub of water, with another tub inside and you use that to incubate your jars, if you have questions about it, just ask :wink:)
Quality Incubator
Quality Incubator 2.0

Liquid culture:
Hippy Piss (I recommend this one, but any of them will work.)
Start to finish LC (uses raw honey)

Substrate preparation:
Wild bird feed (soak method)
Wild bird feed (no soak/no simmer method, the method I use)

Bulk techniques: (Zombie tubs link also semi-explains how to do a bulk)
Rez-effect (my current grow log is using this tek)

Cake techniques: (If you want to go cakes, I suggest you look at this link)
WBS cakes (there is a link at the bottom, that shows a log and compares BRF cakes to WBS cakes)

Links you should check out:
Nineinchnails personal teks (moderator's personal teks on shroomtalk, has lots of good info)
G2G (grain to grain transfers)
How to make a spore print
How to make a spore syringe
No simmer tek (Works with all grains, any jar size)

Also if you haven't yet, you should check out the Let's Grow Mushrooms! videos. Here is the official link to RR's website here. Good luck and welcome to the journey that never ends!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Brilliant job.

I tried to order this kit but they told me that the chances of it actually arriving in the US is only 60%. No refunds. :(


Well-Known Member
wait I thought spores were legal to possess in the US. why would ordering this kit be a problem?

I think it's time I order me a mushbox. Tired of going on the search for mushrooms and having to wait 3-6 months for someone to find someone that knows a dude that heard a rumor at a party that some dude on the other end of town is dating a chick that knows a dude that sells them. 1oz would last me a year as I would only do it 2-3 times.


Well-Known Member
Spores aren't living mycelium, so they're not illegal. Pre-colonized boxes are living mycelium, which is illegal (for illegal strains at least, I think).


Active Member
Tnx alot Blackhash you answered all my questions and my future questions! One of the best answer I ever got.

What do you think about the large fc? Looks very good I think I will do it


Well-Known Member
Brilliant job.

I tried to order this kit but they told me that the chances of it actually arriving in the US is only 60%. No refunds. :(
I spent just over $100 for everything including the spores. All the info on growing is readily available. Your favorite 'mart' or home improvement centers have everything. What you can't find there, that huge online bookstore has it. Plus, it's incredibly easy!

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
The kits are often not allowed into the US because they lack the proper paperwork (which can't be provided due to it being an illegal substance). You always need agricultural papers with ag products like mushrooms so if they check the package it doesn't get past, if they don't check the package you are good. I already have all the gear, I was just thinking that the kit would be a good way to start off - take prints from the first batch and go from there. Spores are illegal to ship to CA :(

Stimpy and Ren

Well-Known Member
The kits are often not allowed into the US because they lack the proper paperwork (which can't be provided due to it being an illegal substance). You always need agricultural papers with ag products like mushrooms so if they check the package it doesn't get past, if they don't check the package you are good. I already have all the gear, I was just thinking that the kit would be a good way to start off - take prints from the first batch and go from there. Spores are illegal to ship to CA :(

Many aspiring grow-kitters have received threatening mail from US customs. It's questionable how much legal authority they actually have. But now you know anti-drug people have knowledge of your intentions. And in the world of drugs, that's usually a bad thing.


Active Member

Tnx to Blackhash i built a large fruiting chamber. i also made some spore syringe and did one big cake(1 kilo) i put it in a towel in the fruiting chamber.



Active Member
Tnx alot Blackhash you answered all my questions and my future questions! One of the best answer I ever got.

What do you think about the large fc? Looks very good I think I will do it
Sorry for the late reply :p. The large FC is really nice, it will work great. If you plan on doing bulk only, I would probably go with zombie tubs just because they are so foolproof. You can also look into a tiered greenhouse, those will be nice for cakes, bulk, or whatever else you need to keep humid!


Tnx to Blackhash i built a large fruiting chamber. i also made some spore syringe and did one big cake(1 kilo) i put it in a towel in the fruiting chamber.

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You mean you are colonizing the cake in the FC? This is a no-no. You do not want your colonizing jars warm and humid, that is just like inviting contams inside. You can just keep the colonizing jars at room temperature, they will colonize fine. If I were you, I would either invest in an incubator, or if you have a drawer above the refrigerator, use that, just make sure its 80-82 degrees Fahrenheit, and you insulate it with towels or something. If anything is still colonizing, you can still keep it in the FC to colonize, just turn off the humidifier and heater ;)


Active Member
It's not hard if you can keep it all sterile.
You would need to invest in a fruiting chamber(area with high humidity, FC) and a glove box(sterile draft-free environment, GB).
An incubator is a necessity if you have a cold house. The cabinet above your refrigerator works great too.
I will post what I have posted in many threads before, hope it helps you out!

Remember, you do NOT need to follow them to the tee. Just make sure you understand what is happening and you can basically do it the best way that suits your situation best.
You give some great advice here, but I'm gonna throw in my 2c.
For one, incubation is not necessary and actually counter productive if room temperature is between 65 and 75 F. I used to mess with TiT and all the other stuff, but at 70 F mycelium grows optimally in quart jars especially since the inside of the jar will likely be 2-5 deg higher. So it's really not worth it in most cases.

A special fruiting chamber is also absolutely not necessary. They are really only a good idea if you are growing on cakes, but if you ask me that method is a complete waste of time. Look up the "coco coir" method and supplementing with used coffee grounds to create a bulk substrate. The easiest, by far best method of growing I developed in over 5 years of growing consists of LC creation using the "Honey tek", spawn creation using WBS in quart jars (can be done with cakes if you are more comfortable with them, but they are harder to spawn), and then spawning into the above mentioned bulk substrate of coco coir/coffee/vermiculite/lime. I don't remember the exact recipe, but it can be found at the shroomery. I used to follow this tek very closely:

Then you simply mix your spawn and substrate at a 10:1 ratio in the bottom of a rubbermaid tub to a depth of about 3-5 inches. Wait til the substrate is colonized. Then make holes in the top for light, and small holes about 2 in above your substrate for passive air exchange. Open and fan 1-4x a day, and that is it. Misting is NOT required as long as water content is correct in the beginning. Actually misting can cause aborts and help the growth of green mold and other nasties. After the first flush, fill the tub with H2O to soak the substrate for about 12 hrs, dump out the excess H2O, and you'll get another awesome flush or 2. Very simple, very easy, and I used to get up to 1/2 lb per tub.

But be EXTREMELY careful with shrooms, the penalties are MUCH worse than herb.