first official grow t5

Jus Naturale

Active Member
SUPER SWEET! How many T5s, what sizes, and where (i.e., just top, side lighting too, etc.)?

I've got a 4-bulb T5 set-up running now, with a few CFLs for supplemental side lighting, but if I can yield 1/2 of what it looks like you are, I'll be thrilled!


i have 2, 2ft t5's and 3 25 watt cfls for side lighting but i have a small space so i didnt believe i needed too many lights so i grew some seedlings and use the cfls for those if u look at the pictures theres a couple burn spots where the cfls were but occasionally i use the cfls for some lower lighting on the plant

Jus Naturale

Active Member
i have 2, 2ft t5's and 3 25 watt cfls for side lighting but i have a small space so i didnt believe i needed too many lights so i grew some seedlings and use the cfls for those if u look at the pictures theres a couple burn spots where the cfls were but occasionally i use the cfls for some lower lighting on the plant
Right on! You cut'em down yet? Any idea what your yield is/will be? (Sorry to pepper you with questions, but you're the first T5 grower Ive ever seen post pics within a year, and you have some respectable-looking nugs!)


Well-Known Member
curious myself! was thinking of going t5 but wanna know more about yields. what should i expect? maybe the 4 bulb 4 footers, 2 in a 4x4 tent. what could you yeild with a high yeilding strain? nice pics and nice looking buds!


haha its all fine honestly i dont know my yield is, this was basically me just trying to get a product nothing special but i suppose since all my attention was focused on this plant alone it shows , and no i haven't cut it down yet i have it still in flowering for about a week or 2 more the red hairs are starting to come in more so i figure its getting close to that time

on another note i heard you can use vanilla extract before u harvest the plant to give it the flavor? if so can anybody help me i don't want to do something ill regret


Damn I had high hopes on getting some flavored buds but this was my first success I have 2 females in a styrofoam cooler I have them on 12/12 from seed ill probably keep those indoors than get a couple more seedlings beg them inside so I can top and super crop than bring those outdoors so if u guys are interested in those ill probably post them tomorrow and as far as te yield I think it's pretty damn good especially with the reflector kits and the cfls helpe with those little nuggets on the side also if you look I'm focusing on this one plant so my lights are set up to focused on how this one plant grows and as far as taste and density ill let you know when she's done


Active Member
look great! wish i could taste em lol i just started some sprouts under a T5, only using it for veg but im excited to see how they do