First order plans, please comment? Nervous

Going with Attitude (no I don't give a fuck about the debate. For every person that loves them, there's another that hates them, and so forth with EVERYONE ELSE. So might as well go with the best so far).

Pick n' mix
2x Dutch Passion FLO Fem.
1x Dutch Passion Mekong High Reg.
1x Dutch Passion Blue Moonshine Reg.
2x Barney's Farm Red Dragon Fem.
1x TGA/Subcool Vortex Reg.
1x TGA Subcool Spacebomb Reg.
1x Paradise Seeds Delahaze Reg.
1x SensiSeeds Shiva Skunk Reg.

The sweets thing I have questions about...

But I'm trying to be discrete so with whatever I end up doing I'll go without original packaging. Can you do a discreet shirt with the crush proof tin as well? If so, do you think it's weight will make it more likely to be scanned? Or should I just go without the tin...weight would be a big difference.

Before anyone says anything, yes, I am aware that I am risking males with ordering a single regular seed, but I mixed in good genetics with a good array of strains I've been dying to try, and even if I did pop up a male, with the gene pool listed above, some interesting things could come from a cross in there. I'd just go with a brush on the bottom flowers. Saves me from having to order more right away so I can keep on going. It's my first order, if ANY of the them pop and give me something, i'll be happy. I'm just really psyched to do it, no matter what comes out :)
realistcally, by the time I get the card etc. it'll be after that :-/ Thanks for the advice though. I'll definitely look out for the specials in the future.


Active Member
should go smooth for man. I never used them but if the gear isn't crushed when you get it then you should be golden