First organic grow..


Active Member
Hey guys, i'm going to grow an organic plant. I am currently germinating the seed. what is a good organic soil? and fert? plus anything else i need.
also, i read something about you can use the same soil throughout the life of the plant..? is that true?

thanks guys :):peace:


Active Member
If you're not into mixing your own "supersoil", then Fox Farm's Ocean Forest is a great out-of-the-bag organic soil... though you'll at the very least want to amend it with some perlite for aeration.
For nutes, BMO's lineup (see RIU thread here ==> ) is the bomb (and very afforable)!
as for the same soil, i'd hazard that it depends on the soil's composition, volume, and the watering/nutrient regime you've been subjecting it to... i pot-up between veg and flower, some others do so more often, and i'm sure some not at all. generally though, you'd be well advised to pot-up to stimulate growth and avoid build-up of salts (causing lockout) [though i'm experimenting with charcoal as an amendment to help prevent EC troubles ==> ]...

same here 2nd week of veg nw tho in bio bizz all mix with bio bizz root juice + bio grow under 400w hps its going quite well not worried bout ventalation + c02 iseem to blow me budget any ideas?? be attaching photos shortly