First organic tent grow.....


Well-Known Member
If you flowered now I would say 2-2.5oz/plant for the two on the right, 2oz for the bottom left and 1-2oz/piece from the other two. So that's 8-11oz which isn't too bad to me. Of course those are just guesstimates.


Well-Known Member
i was told they will double in size so im gona leave them until they are about 17-18 inchs, think this is a good idea ???? and should i flush before i switch to flower m8??


Well-Known Member
They should double or triple in size once flowered. Flushing generally doesn't hurt but it's not completely necessary unless you happen to know you have too much built up N or salts in the soil.


Well-Known Member
Just set them to flower earlier tonight :) cant w8 for that lovely floral smell. couldnt wait any longer as the biggest 1 ( back right ) is 16" and the other are 13-14". i only have about 4ft for plants so hope i`ve timed it just at exactly 6 weeks but considering my problems they are probably a good week behind so its worked at well.i have switched from my 600w metal halide to my 600w hps.heres todays pics ( sorry for the bars on pics )


Well-Known Member
IMAG0227.jpgIMAG0228.jpgIMAG0229.jpgIMAG0230.jpgIMAG0231.jpgIMAG0232.jpgdo you think i have any issues with leaves curling?? not the tips but the entire leaves seem slightly fanning down or is it just me lol


Well-Known Member
im gona give them bio vega for first 2 weeks of flower then start on a reduced dose of bio flores. u think this a good idea??


Well-Known Member
whens the earliest you can start to see sex of plant m8 because i looked today and they seem to have hairs coming from them?? any ideas?? plse ignore this post as they are showing sex, all female :)


Well-Known Member
new problem..... i have been noticing in past few weeks a white rock like substance on top of my grow medium which until tonight i have mistakenly thought was the added perlite however, i picked some up earlier and crushed it between my fingers and i now believe it to be a salt build up of some kind. i have flushed the 4 large plants but am unsure about any of this as i am relatively new to this bad?? should i somehow remove it?? is it this build up which is making the leaves curl downwards?? heres the pics, please help?? IMAG0253.jpgIMAG0254.jpgIMAG0255.jpgIMAG0256.jpg i have heard drip clean given in every feeding would remove the salts but would like your oppinions plse


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the ladies. All of the white stuff I see in the picture is perlite. There could be some salt build up that I don't see though. Salt build ups looks like a thin layer of white frost over the very top portions of the soil. If you do have salt build ups you can flush your soil with lots of water, cut down on fertilizing, and you can create small mounds/lines on top of which salt will form and then remove the salt. If you are just talking about those larger white dots, it's perlite that has floated up through your soil (it's very buoyant when dry), and you have nothing to worry about.

The white layer in this picture is salt - it's hard and brittle and cracks into small scales (up close, in this picture the clay heavy soil is also scaling up due to being dry). If in doubt put it in your mouth and it'll taste like salt ;)


Well-Known Member
thanks m8 and i did put it in my mouth and it didnt taste like salt at all but i did match it to the bag of perlite which i have and the textures did not match. i take it you mean the texture of the perlite hardens up in the grow medium yes??


Well-Known Member
Perlite will change over time. If you are talking about those white pieces on top then it's definitely the perlite. Did you add additional perlite? Could be that there was some in the soil and some that you added and they are different brands/consistencies.


Well-Known Member
i am using canna terra proffesional as my grow medium which does contain perlite but i was recomended to add 20-30% more so i got some from wilkinsons. i matched it up before but found the perlite i have added is like a spongy material thats why i assumed it was salt but saing that all my plants leaves look gorgeous. did u notice any leaf curling either m8??


Well-Known Member
I don't see curling but perhaps a slight drooping due to over water, under water, high humidity or heat.


Well-Known Member
possibly the overwatering. how dry should the undersoil be m8? im not letting it get bone dry as i think that might damage the roots. a fluffy dry undersoil is when i water.i water until i see a little run off then stop.i wait a few mins and pour the runoff collected in the dish away after testing the ph which never changes lol