First Outdoor 2011 Lineup


Active Member
4 c-4 clones ,,,4 grand daddy purp clones,,,2 blue dream clones,,
in miracle grow soil now with added perlite
will be going into 25 gallon smart pots with a mix of mg soil perlite and steer manure pending the manure not shure yet and a compost builder as a filler
using full fox farm line up with cal mag and budcandy and sensi zyme
i would of used all happy frog soil but this one some one esle's dime
any input is great i take negative input well as long as its constructive and not a blow to my grow
and this is a medical grow so i have acsess and time to spend with them hoping for a good dry wieght


Active Member
Hey pal, you sound like you're off to an excellent start. Like previously mentioned, with good sun exposure and TLC, there's no reason why you can't expect roughly 2-3 times your expectations. Good luck, keep us updated.


Active Member
thanks guys i spend alot of time with them already and i grow indoors so i have knowledge just not on the outdoor i take care of them as if they were my own kids and full sun hits around 9 am to 6 pm as of now


Active Member
i also will have lots of questions and will ask them here i not the type to clutter up the forum with a new thread every question o and will be feeding them molasses or however u spell it ime stoned 99% of the time so sorry about the spelling sometimes
really looking forward to this grow will have pics and updates regular thinkin of taking some clones of the dream and gdp my indoor will be done in 6 weeks and will throw theses ones indoor,,,, ime not doing this for money i am doing this for my own personal use and my buddy that has his card so we are trying to get a superb smoke so any and all tips welcome more than welcome ,,,,, i might sell some if i get a good amount maybe make a green house next year or somethin the thoughts on next years grow are already filling my mind if this one goes good next year its on will do 20 plants or more but vedge them for there already monsters before they go out


Active Member
whats the proper dosadge for powdered fish emulsion and when to add just flowering all the way thru or vegde also and i was told on here about 1 tsp per gallon is full strenght


Active Member
besides the mossberg 12 guage what are u doing to secure ur crop mine can be accesed easy just jump the fence and ur there and my fence butts up to a parking lot


Well-Known Member
I have 3 tigers in 20 foot deep pits, a crocodile infested moat, and 12 hot topless models with sub-machine guns atop guard towers spaced every 30 feet. Oh, and Gary Coleman working 24 hour security.

Oh yeah, and i'm not growing next to a parking lot.


Active Member
I have 3 tigers in 20 foot deep pits, a crocodile infested moat, and 12 hot topless models with sub-machine guns atop guard towers spaced every 30 feet. Oh, and Gary Coleman working 24 hour security.

Oh yeah, and i'm not growing next to a parking lot.
nice maybe i can borrow them for awhile
i have a 200 pound german wrott in the backyard thinking of building some structure to put the plants in at night


Well-Known Member
Man, if I were gonna do a B&E to rob someone, I'd just case the house a couple days and wait for no one to be home during the day. You'd be surprised how little your neighbors pay attention to strangers on your property. Not that I'd ever rob someone, but I've watched that show where the guy comes in and robs your house, then they come back and re-do your security system. I dunno, next to a parking lot, sounds like a recipe for disaster. Just make sure no one finds out about your grow, hopefully if someone in the parking lot smells dank they'll just assume you're smoking in the back yard, and not growing.


Active Member
some one is at my house at all times the parking lot behing me is only full couple hours a week its a church and the nieghbor is hella cool outside all day in his vedgi garden and he knows nobody but me my wife or buddy is supposed to be around those plants ime thinking will put them in 5 gallon or ten gallon buckets for moving in at night going from a 25 gallon smart pot to a 10 gallon one how much will this effect my yield


Active Member
another good thing is sherrif department always sits behind my house and chp doing speed traps and the sherrifs not shure they just sit there,,,one year smelled bud bad like bieng smoked and the fuckin sherrif was smokin a bowl u could c it clear as day funny shit ,,,,maybe i will just have a at home camping trip throw a tent up and sleep in it at night ha ha


Active Member
would a 10 gallon pot be enough or will this decrease the heck out of my yield think ime going to move them to my deck in the morning and night
I just recently put some O.G clones outside in 15 Gallon pots and they vegged to around 20 inches an started to flower. any feedback on that would help because the same ones inside are all 4 ft plus....


Active Member
I have heard of people building large dog kennel like structures around thier plants, like one of these but built to your customizations. works great too not body is gettin in if you cement this baby in the ground!dk-2a-custom-dog-kennel.jpg


Active Member
thats funny i was at my father in laws and thought the same thing about his kennel he has so ime on cragslist looking cause that will be ideal to put them in at night ime going to sleep on my back porch on the couch it has a fold out bed


Active Member
how long will it take to revedge u guys think i have had them under 24 hour light since they went out erly and they seem like the bud sites are getting bigger what are sings of revedge


Active Member
if i had a eazy up shade conapy over them to keep them in the shade that first week i put them out could this of caused them to flower dnt c why it would but everyone saying throw them outside now ime afraid they will keep flowering as they already started to so i brang them in at night and put a cfl over them