first outdoor attempt


Well-Known Member
there only 3 weeks old, can anyone tell me anything about how they look? there in foxfarm ocean potting soil and i just give them sun and water no nutes yet.



Well-Known Member
the first one is 18 inches tall and tha second one is 11 inches. are they big enough for 3 weeks? thanks...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I posted on your other thread asking about your light situation, but now i notice its outdoor :P Which would explain the stretch. I also posted they looked heat stressed/Nute burnt. But maybe its the opposite:S If you have not given any nutes yet at all and your soil doesn't feed the plant for "X" amount of months i would try some nutes maybe at 1/4 str. That could possibly help them look a little healthy man. Hope it helps somewhat and good luck.


Well-Known Member
lookin good for 3 weeks. sativa?

also, time to start nuts at 1/4 strength.

and get a fan on them buitches, those tiny main stalks couldn't support as much bud as you want to get


Active Member
I agree with Nugglet - time to start the nutes. Also, judging by the size of your hand next to the container that they are in, I would re-pot to something larger - like a 4-5 gallon container. Anybody agree?


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the comments ill try to start nutes of some kind at quarter strength. and i was thinking of planting them in the ground. any other advice is welcome.


Well-Known Member
if this is 3 weeks and you plant them in the ground they are gonna be really tall.really really.


Well-Known Member
was this bagseed? it looks sativa.

it does look like it could use a transplant, but i wouldnt say you NEED to do it just yet.
first make sure if you want it indoors or out,

if this is sativa you are lookin at at LEASt a 6-foot plant outdoors.
what region are you in? us?


Well-Known Member
why would that explain the stretch unless he didnt grow in direct sunlight.....looks very lanky and long they look fine for three weeks tho not bad


Well-Known Member
why would that explain the stretch unless he didnt grow in direct sunlight.....looks very lanky and long they look fine for three weeks tho not bad
well, despite the stereotype that you want your plants to be bushy, different strains grow in very different ways.


indica's are generally short, bushy and heavy-yielding.

sativa's natural growth is to be tall and lanky. while you can train them to be shorter and bushier, many pure sativa's will just grow how they want.

i cant tell if this plant is a stretched indica or a trained sativa, im trying to get a little more background info before i make him any suggestions.


Well-Known Member
nice sativas. is that 3 weeks from clone outside?
thanks.. yes it is 3 weeks from clone outside.
however i really dont know if its indica or sativa because i got these clones as babies free from a friend. i hope they get tall like a tree:weed:. of course i wouldnt mind a bush either. o yea and heres one more baby i forgot to put pics of



Well-Known Member
can someone please give me some tips on how to transplant it into the ground without shocking it or damaging roots. i live on the west coast of the us so i figured the sun would be excellent this time of year.


Well-Known Member
well i just transplanted 2 out of 3 of my purps plants in the ground. the biggest one and the smallest one, (middle sized one is chillin in the old container so i have one left if i f'd up wen i put em in the ground)

i dug two large holes and filled them with about 80% foxfarm ocean forest/ 20% miracle gro perilite here they are. any feedback is appreciated.:leaf:

