First Outdoor... Few Questions....


Okay. I will be attempting my first outdoor this season:bigjoint: I am planning on growing Bluberry, Purple and Super Lemon Haze. I will be planting 15 plants total In sort of a Z pattern if you can imagine that. 3 plots 5 plants 3 each. I am hoping to get about 2 Lbs per plant. Will be starting from seed though (early April). Btw these plots are Guerrilla. I also have access to GPS.

1) Can I surround my Plots w/ 80 lb fishing line (the clear kind) to make an invisible fence?

2) I will be starting from seed (in the woods) in 1 gal grow bags. What is the best way to keep the small critters away while the plants first get going (without having to carry a lot of stuff, I would say a backpacks worth 2 trips max every few weeks)

3) Is this yeild achievable? They will be in the light 7-8 hours a day and i will be able to water them when necessary.

4) What would you guys recommend for the average distance from houses trails etc. I was thinking like 300 yards in stickers and stuff on north facing hills?

first off ur not gonna get 2lbs per plant in one gallon grow bags....even if they were in the ground youd b lucky to get 1lb per dont want plants that are that big bcuz ur doing this guerilla...and youre gonna have to top or Tie down(LST) your Super Lemon haze because its a sativa and itll grow really tall. As for the spot get as far away as u can...And even IF u do have a decent spot picked out is ur car gonna be parked @ the same place all the time? Some one WILL notice. Be prepared to lose a lot of plants if ur gonna start them from seed outdoor...and where i live the south side of a hill is sounds like you need to read a lot lot more on this, its all here in the forum just gotta sit down and read it.


Well-Known Member
i grow guerilla and i ALWAYS grow in 5 Gal buckets with holes drilled in it for drainage. I do this because ive lost several plantsthese past few years due to moles!! soil is 50/50 fox farm ocean and happy frog with vermiculite with some shultz seed starting and a lil super thrive Vit. B. once they are ready to start feeding i give them vita grow dry/super series!! its cheap and easy!! doubt you get 2lbs. per plant though!! and piss around yur plants....not on them!! jus sumwhere by them here and there!!
you definately should try to start your plants inside. that will increase their chance of survival once you put them ooutside. Also they start to grow quicker from my experience when they already have a developed root base. You need to do much larger than one gallon grow bags like the others said. Even with five gallons two pounds per plant is still a stretch. You can try topping of your sativas in order to try to control their size some or lst like the other guy said. for bugs go organic so you dont have to worry about it harming the plant or you when you smoke it


Ok Sorry Guys for not being really clear... High and semi lazy:eyesmoke:

I have atv/dirtbike transport will not be an issue.

I will be riding about 2 miles off my property, a good 500-1000 yard distance on hill/slope/thorn bush hill friom any houses roads trails etc. I will be riding the bike until i just get into the woods, then i will camo it and walk the rest.

As for the grow bags, I will just be starting in them. I will then be transplanting into the ground in a z like pattern.

I will be making a makeshift 80lb test clear fishing line fence around each of the plots to keep deer/animals out.

I am saving urine to spread in the first phases while there small since I will be starting them outdoor (germing inside).

I know everyone says start inside but I really have no option. Any advice on help with this would be great

I will be transporting water via a packpack 5 gallon sprayer tank. :bigjoint: I'm big and strong so I'm not worrying about hauling a little water.

I hear a lot of talk about multiple plots, can you have a few plots in the same general area or do they have to bee a good ways apart? Like I would say 4 plots in the same 100 sq yard area? Or should they be more spaced?

I understand if most of this stuff is situational depending on brush viewing angle etc.


Active Member
the fishing line might keep the deer away but rodents and smaller critters will find away threw if they want to ..
dont save that urine for to long that shit can be lethal lol . i just walk aroud the perimeter while pissing its tricky at first lol
you dont have to start them indoors if u dont want to alot of pepole dont but i wouldent go setting your goal at 2 lbs try a qp off each maybe a little more or a little less u never know... and i say spread them out as much as u can so if someone finds one u have the others or if bugs get one u still have plants somwhere else good luck.
if you dont want to use urine you could put down hair it does the same trick. Im planning on going to like a hair cuttery and sweeping up a couple bags then using that for the season. Also for the several plots. If they are close and one is found the probably all will be. But not necessariyl. Its still better than having all of the plants together


Thank you everyone for your replies.

I will be ordering my seeds tommorow (assuming paycheck comes thru etc etc bs etc lol) from attitude. 5 Purple, 5lemon, and 5 Blueberry. All fem, Germing outside. Unfortunately my atv access has become limited, and I now will have to hike to my plots. It should be okay tho because I am less likely to compromise them without the noise of the ATV, even though I was not going to be getting to close just mainly use it to get me into the general area. These plots are in some thick a$$ fallen logs/thorn/southern hill and there right next to a creek. The terrain in those area is nearly non-traverse-able hahaha. I hope nobody finds them :/ I'm really worried about that. But everywhere I read they say after the first time you will never regret it. Thank you everyone for you help.

F1 Hybrid

To Come Up G you are putting way to much work in to it bro. There is a science to growing but if you are a amature like my self who as well has to start out doors. Keep on your toes, but dont trip if there is a woods close to your house do that becuse chances are people are not out scouting weed plants on there daily jog and this way you can keep nutrients and water on deck 24/7