First outdoor grow (2 bagseed plants)

Blunt Ed

They are 10 days old today. I put both plants in a larger bucket with a screen around it to try to keep pests out. The yellow you see is a leaf stuck on the screen, not the weed lol, the weed plants are both very green. One of the plants is definitely growing a bit faster but they both look good to me. I'll keep updating this thread about once a week, my camera doesn't have a SD card so I can only post 1 pic at a time.


brewing up

Well-Known Member
are they getting enough light with the large bucket and screen around them? what nutrients u using? soil? location :confused:

Blunt Ed

They seem to be, they get decent light all day but usually once it gets to 10-11am is when they get direct sun light for rest of day. Right now I'm using Miracle Grow soil (I know it's frowned on but I had a bunch). It says it feeds for 6 months but not sure, I also have Miracle Grow Bloom Booster I used a tiny bit once so far and don't plan on using much til flowering. They are growing in the woods, I own 2-3 acres of woods and I never notice anyone in them so they seem safe. My plants actually had noticeable growth over night, I'll go take a pic now and edit this post with it.

Day 12: Tried to get a close up of one.