First outdoor grow 2012

are you going to use the near by water source to water your plants?
I was not planning on it because the water is still so I dont think it would be good to give it to my plants but theres a cleaner stream not far from the plots I might use.
Just a few pictures from today. Sorry if they're kinda blurry i was in a rush and I was getting mobbed by horse flies. IMG_20120622_180511.jpgIMG_20120622_180930.jpgIMG_20120622_181222.jpgIMG_20120622_181256.jpgIMG_20120622_181344.jpg

Also wondering if this is signs of being a female? IMG_20120622_180940.jpg
Plot 1- Bag seed
Plot 2-Topped plants
Plot 3-Both are untopped. One was the plant which was burned while it was still inside but its recovering and the new growth is looking good.
Day 45
Just a few pictures I took today,im having a little pest problem as you can see in the pictures there is some white bugs which are leaving white residue on the plants Im wondering if these will cause harm and also what they are.IMG_0058.jpgIMG_0059.jpgIMG_0065.jpgIMG_0067.jpgIMG_0076.jpg

Heres a close-up:
Damage - Copy.jpg
your getting some nice mold spores on your stalks, wipe it off with your finger and you should be okay or maybe it is the white fly's and those are the eggs, i get the same thing. Also inspect those calyx's they should be telling you sex by now.
Seriously man before I barely had to water we were getting a few nice days followed by some rain and then repeat it was perfect.
​Day 59:

Plot 1-
IMG_0164.jpgIMG_0165.jpgBagseed unkown start date.

Plot 2-IMG_0158.jpgIMG_0161.jpg Two Top 44 skunk plants (topped)

Plot 3- Untopped Top 44 Skunk
IMG_0156.jpg Stunted Top 44 Skunk plant:IMG_0157.jpg

Just started feeding Jacks Classic bloom booster and I also watered with Great White beneficial bacteria the week before.
leave the leaves on, they still have nutrients the plant can pull in......Tug on the leaf lightly, if it comes off then it's dead obviously. if it is still showing resistance to the tug then the plant is still pulling nutrients from it