First Outdoor Grow :D With Pics


hey all im new to this site so yeh :D...

anyways, i planted two plants from seeds under a fluro in early september and then threw them outside at about 15cm tall...

i now have them in 20L pots (going to 55L this weekend) in a mix of cheap potting mix and high quality potting miix and blood and bone mixed through it...

i fert with seasol seaweed concentrate (which has no NPK value, all i know is they love it haha!)

and also using canna flores A and B

N is 20.1 (high - therefore good vegging), P is 12.6 (a lil low for flower but still ok i guess) and K is 37 (this number seems massive?) so yeh because of the high nitrogen levels and not to high phos levels i thought it would be a good all round fert for veg and flower :D....

ANYWAY, thats about it for me hey :)

i have 2 plants, 1 is doing great (in my oppinion) and the other one stretched a bit so it looks a lil lanky....

image 483 - this is my lanky stretched one, oppinions appreciated :)

image 485 - i tipped the plant ages ago and it has 2 main colas, so i have tied each main cola horizontal to allow light into the lower parts of the main colas to bush em out and get bigger buds :D

image 495 - this is my good one (in my oppinion)

So yeh any feedback, help, tips or things im doing wrong let me know :D



Well-Known Member
I'd say the pots are too small, but the plant will probably grow its roots through the holes into the soil below. Do you not have any frost concerns where you are? Looks nice though!


im going to be putting em into 55L pots on saturday :)... and nah man im in australia so its summer time now :D


Well-Known Member
Ah nice plants mate , what state you in ? I guessed australia after seeing your nutrients, that stuff is everywhere hah looks like it's doing the job!


thanks dude! im in queensland man :) how does it go down in vic? hahaha yeh everyman and his dog has that stuff ay! the canna is actually a hydro nute but im told that if u use half strength it does the trick :)


Well-Known Member
Hah dunno yet man my first grow aswell, seem to be getting on alright, got a infestation of all sorts of bugs though so I'm trying to get them under control, I'll keep popping in an seeing the updates , good luck mate


i put my babies into there new homes today :D.. seem to be loving it!! although, once i got down there saturday, they were fucking wilting!!!!!!! so i gave em a hit of seasol and water :D they loved me for it... they copped a few yellow leaves but sprung right back and are doing good again :)