First Outdoor Grow Ever, Help!

Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and new to growing. I am legally allowed to grow 12 plants and wanted to start with some outside. The place im going to be growing them in as of right now does not have good soil, more like hard dirt, so i guess i should dig holes and add good soil? i also will be planting clones, not growing from seed. I will update with pictures tommorow of where this grow will take place, but was hoping this forum would be able to help me since i have little knowledge on growing, was hoping for advice like what kind of soil should i use? How deep should the holes be? How often should i water them? All help is appreciated, thanks!
This is where i will trying to grow 12 plants, i know it looks rough but i need help, so where should i start? i will be getting clones later today, 6 of them, so should i dig 6 holes and go buy good soil? miracle gro? or what? or should i do 5gal buckets? thanks for any input


Active Member
Ok it looks like you have a good spot so thats the 1st step. Next is to lay out where you want your holes and start digging. 2x2x2 is pretty much what you want to aim for the holes will do much better then buckets. Stay away from the miracle grow because its got a time released fert that you will never be able to flush. If you dont want to hit a grow shop for soil try some Kellogs. Do you have the clones already? If you do start working them down to whatever the natural light cycle is where you live slowly. If you just throw some clones outside that have been on a 20hr light cycle they have a good chance of going straight to flower.


Active Member
is that a gas meter or a pool filter in the back left corner? If its a gas meter you really need to think about that spot, same with pool equipt if you have a pool guy.


Well-Known Member
Welcome. The spot looks fine.. You should see mine! It's wayyyyyy uglier than that. :) You have a few options and I would say don't pick up your clones until you figure out how you are going to keep them. Being that this is your first grow I would recommend Smartpots or growing in some kind of container. But that is just me.. I started off small with 5 plants in 5 gallon buckets, Supersoil (from OSH) with pearlite mixed in, fish emulsion, tiger bloom, and black strap molasses. Now that was a late grow last year so I MAY need more nutes this time around. I also used that combination with my CFL grow and was successful as well.

Long story short do your research and pick a way to go. Once you do that I am sure that you will get the hang of it and be able to figure out more detailed questions for your grow. If you wanna see how to do it BIG check out dirrtyd and doublejj's grows from last season!

Good luck man and I will answer whatever questions I can with my limited knowledge. I am sure that others will chime in later as well. :)
Thanks alot for the input guys, and to jyermum, yes that is a gas meter (smart meter), and is it a problem? (No one has access to that side of the house) and as for the clones, i dont have them yet, but i have to go pick them up, the guy is charging me $10 per clone, and says they are high quality stuff and already rooting or something like that.. i was going to pick up 6 of them for now, but was thinking i should just get 12 (no need in starting off 6 now and 6 later, right?) Ok. so i guess i will start digging today, you said 2x2x2 right? 2 feet deep, 2 feet wide and 2 feet apart from each other right? let me know, thanks alot guys. with your help i know i can do this.
I think im just gonna dig holes and put clones in soil. I live in cali and get good sun from 7am to 8pm, i think i will go with the soil. So i should dig 12 holes, 2x2x2, and then put some good soil in the holes and add clones right away? or water the soil down first? i know i have alot of stupid questions but this is my first time and im just trying to do it right, i dont want to ruin the clones, since they are running me about $120 bucks for 12. Thanks for bearing with me guys


Active Member
Water the soil down to help it get settled.

Since you spent $120 on clones it wouldnt hurt to invest in some good soil also.

There are lots of places online to find good soil mixtures that keep a good Ph. Foxfarm is a very well known and received brand for soils and organic ferts. Ocean forest with some peat moss/bone&blood meal will work wonders. You wont regret investing some $ into your soil, it will pay off in the quality and size of your plants.

Best of luck to ya


Active Member
I was just worried about the gas meter because of the meter reader but I guess you don't have that problem. By 2x2x2 I mean 2 length x 2 width x 2 deep. you will want more than 2 feet between holes for sure.

Your well rooted clones will probably start flowering if you put the straight outside. For now you should put them in small pots and slowly "harden" them and bring them inside at night for a few extra hours of light. By hardening I mean get them ready for full sun slowly. If you take a plant from inside and slap it in direct sunlight it will burn up quickly. Start with indirect sunlight with direct for an hour or so and increase how much sun they get every few days.

At night for now bring them inside if you can and put them in some light for a few hours after sunset then put them back out the same night to get the natural sunrise in the a.m.. Don't worry about what kind of light or how many watts or if its a grow light or regular old school light bulb. By giving the extra few hours you are not trying to grow them bigger just trying to keep them from flowering. Then put them in the holes around half way through next month and you should be good to go. Summer solstice is June 24th (I think??) and thats the longest day of the year so by then you wont have to worry about premature flowering if you ease them into the outdoors.


Active Member
I think im just gonna dig holes and put clones in soil. I live in cali and get good sun from 7am to 8pm, i think i will go with the soil. So i should dig 12 holes, 2x2x2, and then put some good soil in the holes and add clones right away? or water the soil down first? i know i have alot of stupid questions but this is my first time and im just trying to do it right, i dont want to ruin the clones, since they are running me about $120 bucks for 12. Thanks for bearing with me guys
I would not put fresh clones outside. I would grow them inside 1st and let them get some girth then I would place them outside. While they are growing inside I would prep the area with soil and dolemite lime so the lime can start activating and raising the pH of the soil. Understand that fresh clones are delicate and need to get a little tuff before placing in rough weather. A heavy rain can tear every leaf off a clone. Digging holes is a good idea...Holes are free..8o)Your questions aren't stupid the only stupid question is a question that isn't asked.
Thanks for the feedback Throwed, as for growing them inside until they get tuff, I do not have anywhere or any lights to do it inside at all whatsoever, and im not sure but i think the clones might be tuff enough already, (im hoping) i have to go pick them up tonight, i will post pics of them and maybe you can tell me how far along they are or if they can go outside now. thanks alot


Well-Known Member
i have grown out door for 5 years now and the bigger the hole you dig the bigger the plant will be i also always start from a seed and depending were you are in cali your plants should be fine outside at night at least mine are and i live in central cali
Here are the pics of the clones, tell me what you think, person i got them from told me to ease them into sunlight over the next 3 days then after that plant them in the ground and i should be all good, with the right soil and stuff. let me know what you guys think, thanks!Img_01214 (1).jpegImg_01210.jpegImg_01216.jpegImg_01213.jpegImg_01215.jpegImg_01211 (1).jpeg
Thanks, i was told not to leave them outside overnight for the next three days, and over the next three days, to give them half hour of sunlight then put them in the shade for a couple hours then give them another half hour of sunlight then repeat to get them use to being outside, does this sound right? let me know, thanks!


Well-Known Member
sounds right to me the one time i tried bringing and indoor plant outdoor it started buding in february so ease them in to it for sure once there used to the all day sun put them in nitrogen rich soil and they will take off
Ok, in my town there is a hydroponic/grow store that sells soil and stuff like that, maybe i should go there to pick up some nitrogen rich soil? someone in this thread also told me about "Foxfarm" soil, was suppose to be real good. I put the clones in the sun today for 30 minutes and then put them in the shade outside and left them for a few hours, when i came back, they looked like they might be too hot (this is a guess, because im not sure how to tell, lol but i thought they looked hot even in the shade), i will leave them indoors tonight with no light, and put them back out in the shade tomorrow and give them 30-45 minutes of sun to get them a little bit tougher for outdoors. thanks for the feedback guys and anymore feedback to help me is greatly appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
horse shit is loaded with nitrogen but dont use too much it can cook em... i use it every year for veg. i also use mg all purpose plant food and super thrive during veg. once the start to flower mg super bloom and molasses works great orange and prune juice are very rich in potassium 500mg to 700mg a cup thats great for budding too