First Outdoor Grow Ever, Help!


Well-Known Member
OP check out my thread you can find a real cheap soil mix and you will only need to water your holes. The extra amendments you can use next year. Also dont jump to fast on some of the advice I have read here. Take your time and read and read some more. You are fine with what you are doing now and that soil recipe could be ready in two weeks. Keepem green dirrtyd
Whats up guys, I went and got some soil today, i bought "Happy Frog" soil, it was highly recomended at the grow shop, and i got some Safers end all, and i took some more pics of the clones, i need some help. i had them in the shade most of the day and 30 minutes of sun earlier and about an hour of sun right now, i took some pics, tell me if you think they need water or need more sun or more shade or am i doing everything okay, thanks alot guys!Img_01610.jpegImg_01513.jpegImg_01510.jpegImg_01612.jpegImg_01512.jpegImg_01511.jpeg


Active Member
if they dnt start to droop or tips curl in the sun they should be good imo and happy frog is good its not as hot of a soil as ffof so u can feed right away just go easy on the feeding
Ok so today or tommorow i should be able to put these in the ground im guessing, im digging 2x2x2 holes, going to fill the holes up with water and let them drain down and then do it again and then add happy frog soil and then should i add some water to the holes with happy frog soil? or just put the soil in the holes and put my clones in it and then water when necessary. and what did you guys mean when you said "go easy on the feeding"? thanks a bunch
Ok i had a couple more questions before i put these clones in the ground
1. The place Im going to be putting them has shade in the early morning but then hot sun all day til sundown, will this be okay? or will too much sun kill them?
2. The place also has cats that roam around back there and poop all around, are these cats going to be a threat to my plants?
3. When i put these in the ground with the happy frog soil, should i lightly water them right away?

Thanks alot guys your help is more then appreciated!


Well-Known Member
defiantly put up a small fence to keep the honest cats honest, the cat shit could be a problem for your plants. my cats sleep in the shade of my plants they have never rely messed with them but i still shoo them away wen i see them as far as the morning shade / all day sun shouldnt bother your plants it might take them longer to "wake up" on the colder mornings but other than that they should be fine
Ok, thanks, also, there is suppose to be a rainstorm tomorrow. and i was going to put the clones in the ground tonight, should i wait for the rain to pass ?