First outdoor grow*GOT PICS*


this is my very first grow its a Purple Nepal Clone that i bought from a dispensary on May 22nd the same day i put it out in a 2 gallon pot with fox farm soil an have been feeding it nothing but distilled water every 2-4 days when ever it needs it. i know i need to transplant it to a bigger pot but is it too late? is it flowering already you could already see white hairs coming out at the tops. what nutrients are a must? ORGANIC? i just put about 4 egg shells on the soil does that help it at all? and why are those leaves at the bottom yellow?pn 002.jpgpn 003.jpgpn 004.jpgpn 006.jpgpn 009.jpgpn 010.jpg


Active Member
tp asap. i havent used ne nutes or ferts on my grow (not recommended im a budget grower) so idk. yes i would and will go organic. egg shells can help sure. bottom leaves will turn yellow and die its nature. why is ur plant between 2 gates? whether u planned or not use it! start pulln down on some branches and pull em through different holes in the fence for some lst/scrog action. she looks good tho bro no worries.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on your first grow! I think you'd be okay to move her to a bigger pot if you did it right away. Just make sure to do it in the shade. Eggshells are great; I hear coffee grounds are good, too. You can get fertilizers that are easy to find and inexpensive (high N for veg; high P for bloom). I kept it simple my first few grows. Jobe's organic tomato spikes are great!


Well-Known Member
Try some organic fish emulsion as a fert during your veg cycle. It's cheap, and the plants will thank you for giving them a hearty meal! Also, you're really limiting their ability to branch out keeping them between those two fences. Either move it to a more open space, or string the branches through the holes in the fence so they can stretch.


Thanks for the tips everybody! An yes I em also on a budget that's why I haven't bought any nutes or a bigger pot. But by the end of this week I will be buying a 7 gallon pot. An the reason I have it between those fences is because it's hidden an if these voltures out here see it they will be quick to steal it. But I will start tying those branches to the fence like you guys said thanks!


i think u might be just pre flowering u'll might go back to reveg in about two weeks....dats what happend to me atleast...she does look a lil cramb though...


It gets about 5-6 hours of direct sunlight but it's my Only spot I live in a house/apartment an if I'd put it anywhere else it will get jacked for sure! My plant is pretty tall about 2 an a half feet tall. Since its a purple Nepal I thought it would grow bushy I was surprised when I kept seeing it getting taller an taller. Anybody got any experience growing this strain? Any tips do's an dont's ??


Well-Known Member
If I were you I wouldnt transplant while in flower. Some ppl do it with no problems but its not worth the risk for me. As far as organic ferts. Any of your excrement will work lol. Seriously tho, animal manure, a little of ur urine in ur water, ground up egg shells and used coffee grounds, old fruit peels, all that is good and yummy for the plants.


Alright man good to know. But why would transplanting it now hurt the plant? Won't the plant eventually die if I keep it in that 2 gallon pot it's whole grow?