first outdoor grow in ground


New Member
hello everyone,
im new to this site and new to outdoor growing aswell,any help,comments will be helpfull.
I have many nice ,strong clones that are being veg rite now till there big enough to be put in ground for good.
I want this to be a grow journol and notsure if its the rite place to post? how to get plants to produce over a p: .,strongest roots, when to place in ground and anything else you pros can think of,thanks in dvance and sorry for bad spelling/grammer



Well-Known Member
I did a few outdoors way back, fist of where in the world are you located ? and how long are your days/nights and how warm ?

most importent is that they are planted in a place where they receive no less then 5 hours of direct Sun light a day, 8 would be better

make sure to dig a nice hole and fill it with your own super quality soil, and if you live in a place where you get lot of rain, you want a to plant it in a high place so it don't drawn if you get heavy rain

also, remove other growth around it, maybe in a 1 meter diameter so your girl don't have to compete with other plants for food in the soil, or sun light or have other plants transferee bugs/diseases easily

best of luck

indica-241x300.jpg2546-m.jpg.gifView attachment 2658941


New Member
Im located in nor CALi . Plenty of sun on plants and there loving it. It was about 71.F .will check on what time sun come up and down. Will post pic soon to give you idea of area


New Member
Whatcha doing for your soil mix?
I have some sunshine mix black bag with blue letter that i already have , but i want to mix it up with better quality soil. Been looking at norcal pot mix becuse it sound like it contains most of the the ingredients that are in good soil. What doyou recommend?


Well-Known Member
I have some sunshine mix black bag with blue letter that i already have , but i want to mix it up with better quality soil. Been looking at norcal pot mix becuse it sound like it contains most of the the ingredients that are in good soil. What doyou recommend?
Bone Meal, BudBlood, bat guano, worm castings are some good organic material.


New Member
Bone Meal, BudBlood, bat guano, worm castings are some good organic material.
Should i make my own mix or or should i buy some that already contains everything in it? If i make my own how much of those ingredients do i put in soil mix? Have you or anyone used norcal gold pot mix????