First outdoor grow, need some tips


Active Member
First of all i want to say that i have already read most outdoor grow guides etc and i am fully aware of basics.
Second, this is not a serious grow op, more like a project. I will be planting 50 germinated seeds and i will be glad if atleast 1 survives and becomes harvestable.

I was planning to visit my grow spots max 2-3 times in total and this includes when i plant the seeds and when i go to harvest. Possibly also to check which ones survived and developed which gender. I will be planting 5 seeds on 10 diffrent spots of my choice and i will NOT be bringing my own soil, or maybe a gallon just so they have a neutral germination.

Now, i was thinking about placing some near a wetland or bog so when they develop the roots some of them will find their way to the water, will this work?

What is the success rate on these full natural outdoor cultivations?


Active Member
i have never tried growing in un-amended (is that a real word? idk) soil but in my experience it is almost easier to kill marijuana plants with too much care, ive never had one make it to harvest but since i was a beginning toker i used to chuck seeds around and whatever happened happened but on many occasions within a week or two id see 2 litte green leaves popping out, so it is definitley possible, i find that all the things people do are purely to improve "the probability of positive results", but it grows naturally anywhere it gets the chance, if you're planting directly in soil early in the season you will likely have some trees come harvest time

only checking on them 2-3 times you will likely not be able to pull males in time if sensimilla is your goal, also alot of my bagseed has hermied, be it from a hermie parent or just unstable genetics, im up for tagging along with your grow but the only problem i see is the lack of attention, maybe twice what you planned and you're looking at some prime greenery

never had one make it to harvest when i just randomly threw it out, thought id clarify, ive had 1 successful outdoor grow and 2 indoor grows, the indoor def had better bag appeal but the outdoor...idk, maybe my high was increased by the thought of nothing but organics, sunshine and rain


Well-Known Member
You'll have to look up local soil conditions, In south west ohio we have a ton of clay that traps moisture but in other places you could have super dry soil. So look up what the local soil consists of and also try to find local water table maps so you can plant in a ideal spot if you wont be watering. I'm no pro but not using good/bag soil with nutrients may not yield the best results.


Active Member
may i ask why u only want to visit 2 or 3 times .. in my mind i dont think its worth it .. if u want to grow weed then go for the best u can. its alot of hard work and misery but in the end theres nothing better thean stitting back drinkin a beer and smokin something u took care of and grew from start to finish theres nothing better not even gettin laid .. so in my words of advice . put in the time and hard work yea it may get you nervouse but trust me thats the fun in this .. take this how u want to each his own ..
You'll have to look up local soil conditions, In south west ohio we have a ton of clay that traps moisture but in other places you could have super dry soil. So look up what the local soil consists of and also try to find local water table maps so you can plant in a ideal spot if you wont be watering. I'm no pro but not using good/bag soil with nutrients may not yield the best results.
SW Ohio represent! :leaf:


Active Member
may i ask why u only want to visit 2 or 3 times .. in my mind i dont think its worth it .. if u want to grow weed then go for the best u can. its alot of hard work and misery but in the end theres nothing better thean stitting back drinkin a beer and smokin something u took care of and grew from start to finish theres nothing better not even gettin laid .. so in my words of advice . put in the time and hard work yea it may get you nervouse but trust me thats the fun in this .. take this how u want to each his own ..
Trust me man, every other night i dream about growing some pot and i absolutely loved it when i did it, even more than smoking it. But i already got busted once when i was growing indoors from pure stupidity and i cannot afford to do so again. Instead im planning to grow it somewhere deep in the woods about 300 miles away from my home near my weekend cottage, which i only visit every now and then(i live in the city).

The seeds are practically free, about 40 bucks for 50 standard seeds from a private grower. Arent much more that i can do.


Well-Known Member
I imagine some will make it, whether or not they get pollinated from males or hermies will depend on you. When I did grows away from my house, I always started from clone, plant 10-40 clones in late april usually, then after about 8wks start going out and take cuttings plant them directly into the ground. Now I did usually go out about once a month, I left powder nutes there and I was always fairly close to a water source. Sounds like your just gonna go plant the seeds and try to comeback and harvest, if thats the case I dont really know any advice that would help if you dont want to spend anytime with them. I always like taking cuttings all the way until july, I would have some young plants that would be 2-3ft tall, while others were 10ft tall, very staggered looking grows but some of the little guys put of some good smoke. My advice would be to try and go out a few more times than your planning on, but I know its a pain depending on how far it is. Regardless try to plant as close to water as possible, damp soil would be preferred over dryer soil and even if you could just put a foot or so of good potting soil for each one it would really help them get started and establish a better root system. Hope things work out, Peace.