First outdoor grow.Opinions?

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Hate to break it to ya killa but the bigger ones usually always turn out to be the males if you can get another seed ready to germ, if it happens to be a female you'll just get a smaller but yet still quite smokeable harvest.


Well-Known Member
Don't ever put more than 1 plant in a pot. otherwise they look pretty good. Their is no way to tell if thats a male or not just cuz one is a bit bigger than the other btw.


Active Member
Plants look good. Darkdestruction is right in that you should separate those plants. As they get bigger they're going to fight for space and their roots will become intertwined.


Well-Known Member
Take pictures at the nodes next time. Then we can see what they may be male or female. Oh and please separate the two in one before it is too late. Dirrtyd
we are going to be transplanting the two into different potters in the next couple of days, we just haven't gotten around to it yet, once we do that ill take some new pictures of the nodes and others. ill keep you guys posted if you want. One more thing i want to ask is, if you have spider mites on some of your leaves what can you do to prevent this or to get them off?


Active Member
Seven Dust that slut. As long as it isn't budding yet you are perfectly safe to Seven Dust it. I'd use an organic based answer to control pests during budding though. Plenty of those to choose from.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Look at neem oil or permethrin for insect control. Neem oil i always use first because permethrin is chemically made. It has a very low toxicity to mammals and your skin is very bad at absorbing it which means even in direct contact its not really dangerous but its always good to try the natural solution first.
whiteowl420 the reason i have more than one plant in a pot is because we had no other pots to use at that time, now we are about to be transplanting them here soon, i will put more pics up once that is done.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah and just make sure you seperate those 2 plants, I wouldn't wanna see 2 females fight for the spotlight =/ it would be a hopeless and helpless sight for you and the plant that's dieing. Good luck.


Active Member
Oh and by the way these plants are not mine they are Ganjakingx420's plants. I just posted for him until he decided to make a profile of his own.