First outdoor grow Southwestern Washington State!!! Questions


Well-Known Member
I have a choice between blueberry and white widow clones. I also have some bag seeds that I am going to just plant and do a couple visit till harvest grow. Some of the blueberry and white widow clones will be grown in my backyard, and some will be grown guerrilla style. i have grown a few micro grows with some cfls (not enough money or privacy for HID or I would :sad:), so i have gotten to know the plant pretty well, i am just wondering, since white widow is more sativa than indica, if it will finish in time up here in the northwest?

Thanks for stopping by :bigjoint:

Also, i was wondering when I should put my clones outside to harden off? I was thinking around late april or early may...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
as soon as the threat of frost is over than harden them off. I don't really know about ww check on a web site that sells seeds I'm sure it will tell you when it harvests outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Get a farmers almanac or ask folks when they plant tomatoes in your area. Generally that would be after the last frost up there.


Active Member
may first and you will be good to go. Also, make sure your strains are very mould resistant. Mould sets in bad, come october (i wouldnt run anything past october 10th). Other than that, full sun, good soil, and you should have a fantastic season.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the input, i just wanted to make sure i was on track and that everything i thought was somewhat right. happy growing everyone!!!!!!!


I live in eastern washington so about the latitude and i think that the Ww will be your best bet, i have grown both indoors and the blueberry took about 3 months and the Ww about 2. So the blueberry might not be ready in time. but check this site out to find out what day it starts 12/12 in your area: