First outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
This is my first outdoor grow. Forgot the strain . All females. Any input would be nice. Fox farm ocean forest soil and fox farm trip nutrients. Week 2 of flower ?



Well-Known Member
They look super healthy and happy, you're doing great. As Hugo mentioned above, next year go for bigger pots outdoors, you'll triple their size. Unless you want to keep it low key then thats understandable.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure this is your first time outdoors?You have a very green thumb.Impressive!I would trim some of those fans though,let in more light and air.Now is the time to be super vigilant for mold.I would also trim those damaged leaves too.But that is just me,everyone has their own way of doing things,and yours seems to be working just fine.Hope you post a few of the finished harvest.


Well-Known Member
Its outdoors so the plant will get ample light
They aren't big enough to worry about light penetration,
I wouldn't trim off any fan leaves at all unless you want to kneecap your yield.
The amount of healthy leaves a plant has in flower is directly related the amount of yield.
Maybe just clean up the very bottom near the soil.
Also if you just tie those branches off to the sides on each one to let more light in the middle you'll greatly increase the yield.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. A little late in the game for this run but bigger pots would up your game. Also, consider fabric or air pruning pots. The roots will appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
10 weeks and 1 day from seed. Added epsom salt and just ordered calmag I either had ph nutrient lockout or severe magnesium and calcium deficiency. Hot and humid 102 degrees. I just set up my 1000 watt and grow tent inside for when I start my medicinal auto flower grow.

