First Plant (comments and suggestions please)


Well-Known Member
ahh u went to the college!
been planning that myself next time im over actually.
agree on so called useless lights still having use tho , im vegn with led and they help regulate heat .
I wasnt meanin to be a dick if i came across liek that << haha excuse the punn , its partly jealousy , make that mostly jealousy- you seem to have done super shit hot , dont let my dickyness deter you from sharing knowledge.
Eagre doesnt come close to how much i wanna see those strains suped up!
keep at it


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I checked it out. I'll make sure I use the right light. I want to grow thoes buds I see Y'all growin that are the size of liquor bottles!


Well-Known Member
Chaz, it's all good buddy. I'm here to make friend and learn! I never took it wrong. I'm glad you're willing to help out!


Well-Known Member
i love rottweilers! my aunt had one, he was the dog ever, i wanna get on so bad, but i aint got time for a dog :(


Well-Known Member
Mine are yard dogs, they have a big kennel but have chose to live in a bmw lol belive it or not he sleeps in the drivers seat, she in the passenger n the pup gets the back, makes me laugh when i look out n see em like that


Well-Known Member
Ok, so how much are these buds gonna shrink when they dry?
Hey i have only the 1 grow under my belt almost 2, the buds from my first harvest are almost 3 weeks through the curing stage and have almost halfed in size


Well-Known Member
Cool, I can't wait to do another crop. I hope things work out as good. I got a small closet that looks small enough to hold 2 or 3 plants. Imma try it. But I hope it's enough light. I'll take a picture and show it. This will also let me know if Halogens are BS or a good thing!


Well-Known Member
Ok cool, Imma crop the top of one and try it like that next time. Do you need a bigger pot when you're growing a bigger plant?


Well-Known Member
Ok cool, Imma crop the top of one and try it like that next time. Do you need a bigger pot when you're growing a bigger plant?
Yes u need a bigger pot needs a bigger rootball to keep her sturdy still had to tie her up in the later stages to stop her toppling


Well-Known Member
right about now im lookin to save up so i can get that clothes horse heavy lumen setup! :D have planned ahead to use my pully to cure( fingers fookin crossed i get that far) baz ur an insperation!
but both u cunts hav me dyin to get a dog again, thinkin would stop me from obsessing over my little ladies