First plant ever hows she lookin?


Well-Known Member
I think he means when the growth between a fan leaf and main branch starts to form, if it grows into just another leaf that would be fan leaf on fan leaf.. And if it grows into a branch, that would be branch on fan leaf. Hes just bullshitting to get some attention, he has no clue what hes talking about


Well-Known Member
I think he means when the growth between a fan leaf and main branch starts to form, if it grows into just another leaf that would be fan leaf on fan leaf.. And if it grows into a branch, that would be branch on fan leaf. Hes just bullshitting to get some attention, he has no clue what hes talking about
Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining.

Yes, if it's just a leaf where a branch should be shooting out, that just means your plant is lacking vigor... has nothing to do with sex.

No old-wive's tales now...

So who wants to talk about whether flushing is necessary or not? Kidding! Kidding!


Well-Known Member
if thats what he means than I could show him a male with plenty of branching
I think he means when the growth between a fan leaf and main branch starts to form, if it grows into just another leaf that would be fan leaf on fan leaf.. And if it grows into a branch, that would be branch on fan leaf. Hes just bullshitting to get some attention, he has no clue what hes talking about


Well-Known Member
Oh and to the other discussion topic. the other guy is right, you should be calling your tactic a theory..its not a proven method.

as far as everyone dicrediting him, why bother he either has some sort of "trick" that he likes to believe is a good method of determining sex or he just needs to feel like he is cool and knows what he is talking about, either way why fight and bicker about it.

some people say if you rub your nipple and sing bon jovi songs to your plants they will be females, is that true? no fucking some morons go out and sing Wanted dead or Alive to their plants while rubbing their nipples......yep they do. does it work...they think so....

anyways i say just leave the dude to his beliefs, call him out on his theories being only theories and let people decid eon their own wether to believe him or not


Well-Known Member
ahhh now i followed him to his blog and he is now saying that if the first leaf on a new branch is a single leaf than its male, but if the first leaves on a new branch are 3 fingered than its female.. Hes crazy!


Well-Known Member
:obut I but for real I been wait what you mean I dont have to aaahhhhggggg:rolleyes:
some people say if you rub your nipple and sing bon jovi songs to your plants they will be females, is that true? no fucking some morons go out and sing Wanted dead or Alive to their plants while rubbing their nipples......yep they do. does it work...they think so....


Well-Known Member
Oh and to the other discussion topic. the other guy is right, you should be calling your tactic a theory..its not a proven method.

as far as everyone dicrediting him, why bother he either has some sort of "trick" that he likes to believe is a good method of determining sex or he just needs to feel like he is cool and knows what he is talking about, either way why fight and bicker about it.

some people say if you rub your nipple and sing bon jovi songs to your plants they will be females, is that true? no fucking some morons go out and sing Wanted dead or Alive to their plants while rubbing their nipples......yep they do. does it work...they think so....

anyways i say just leave the dude to his beliefs, call him out on his theories being only theories and let people decid eon their own wether to believe him or not
I fight and bicker because I don't want this idiot making new growers think that is how you sex plants...... Rumors like that can spread like wild fire in the newb community if it isn't caught and discredited right way..


Well-Known Member
Bon Jovi songs do work. You just need to sing the right ones. Dead or Alive won't help. You need 'Keep the Faith' or 'Never Say Die' etc. What did you expect?


Well-Known Member
I fight and bicker because I don't want this idiot making new growers think that is how you sex plants...... Rumors like that can spread like wild fire in the newb community if it isn't caught and discredited right way..
for sure man just like

tinfoil is bad
watering while lights on will cause the lights to magnify 1 million times and burn little holes in your leaves
CFL dont grow good plants
if its a hermie just kill it

there are tons of "theories" out there that circulate on the internet, if someone is going to destroy a plant before it shows actual signs of sex just because some dumb dick has a theory and pre sexing plants well then maybe they are just that dumb......

here is my theory, never believe a dam thing someone tells you on here, instead use it as a basis to do your own research. If you ask a question and you get 3 different replies who are you going to believe? oh i know the guy with the most posts and highest rep right because they obviously know everything about growing and there cant possibly be any flaws in the RIU reputation system......

but instead of picking one guy to believe, take all 3 suggestions and get on google, do some research...find some tried and true methods and go about it the right way.

but to sit her eand fight about it is pointless, call him out....make it well aware that no pne else knows of this 100% gaurentee way to sex plants before they mature (which 4-5 people did) and let the OP make his own decision to listen or not. if he chooses to listen to him and chop his plant down after 4-5 people called him out then well he is just that dumb and.......well you know

anyways i guess my point is that the name calling and fighting make you guys look just as stupid ( no offense )


Well-Known Member
It's whatever. I came here for my first grow and I am starting to think coming to this site was a mistake there is so much bullshit flying around on this forum and retards that like to troll newbs and douche fags that think theym know eveything and don't accept criticism. I am a couple stupid thread away from saying good bye to RIU but there are A handful of very helpful and well known members of RIU and I thank them for all the help they have submitted to this forum but the handful of helpful people on here doesn't outweigh the retards and douches in my opinion so I won't be here for much longer


Well-Known Member
I am going to finish my grows and Do my Lab tests side by side reviews that I said I would do for this site to shut idiots up then I am out of here.


Well-Known Member
but if you stay the ratio of douche baggery shifts for the better hang in and make it a pointnot to be a douche and thats one more level headed member. just if you don't know something keep your fool mouth shut
I am going to finish my grows and Do my Lab tests side by side reviews that I said I would do for this site to shut idiots up then I am out of here.


Well-Known Member
I am going to finish my grows and Do my Lab tests side by side reviews that I said I would do for this site to shut idiots up then I am out of here.
Dude we all weed out the bad info here. When someone posts something inaccurate, it is corrected by the community. When you see the next 4 posts, saying "No, don't do what that dude said" then you should have a clue not to do it. Stop being butt hurt about it. And don't fire back at me with some bullshit just because I said you're butt hurt. Not trying to argue with someone on the internet. I'm here to learn and help others as much as possible, just like you! Good Luck jpeg, hope you stick around and help others!


Well-Known Member
but if you stay the ratio of douche baggery shifts for the better hang in and make it a pointnot to be a douche and thats one more level headed member. just if you don't know something keep your fool mouth shut
If I don't know I ask, If I think I am right I ask to be proven wrong I like being proven wrong, means I learn and I like learning new things.

Dude we all weed out the bad info here. When someone posts something inaccurate, it is corrected by the community. When you see the next 4 posts, saying "No, don't do what that dude said" then you should have a clue not to do it. Stop being butt hurt about it. And don't fire back at me with some bullshit just because I said you're butt hurt. Not trying to argue with someone on the internet. I'm here to learn and help others as much as possible, just like you! Good Luck jpeg, hope you stick around and help others!
I am not going to fire back at you man. I love helping people out which is why I am going to start a huge side by side review thing going on for an ass load of different nutes to help people. I went to a hydro show and got $700 in nutes for free and now I want to try them So i am going to document them and side by side them to help people and put some arguments of this ones better than that one to rest. but I don't have enought plants or seeds right now so I have to wait for a mother to grow.


Well-Known Member
That was supposed to say don't be a DB not be a douche bag .hope you got that....
If I don't know I ask, If I think I am right I ask to be proven wrong I like being proven wrong, means I learn and I like learning new things.

I am not going to fire back at you man. I love helping people out which is why I am going to start a huge side by side review thing going on for an ass load of different nutes to help people. I went to a hydro show and got $700 in nutes for free and now I want to try them So i am going to document them and side by side them to help people and put some arguments of this ones better than that one to rest. but I don't have enought plants or seeds right now so I have to wait for a mother to grow.


Well-Known Member
I was going blaze of glory and bed of rosses and got like 7 out of 9 females. theres a couple in every crowd I guess.
Bon Jovi songs do work. You just need to sing the right ones. Dead or Alive won't help. You need 'Keep the Faith' or 'Never Say Die' etc. What did you expect?


Well-Known Member
It's whatever. I came here for my first grow and I am starting to think coming to this site was a mistake there is so much bullshit flying around on this forum and retards that like to troll newbs and douche fags that think theym know eveything and don't accept criticism. I am a couple stupid thread away from saying good bye to RIU but there are A handful of very helpful and well known members of RIU and I thank them for all the help they have submitted to this forum but the handful of helpful people on here doesn't outweigh the retards and douches in my opinion so I won't be here for much longer
any marijuanna growing forum is going to have dumb ass pot head kids that think they know everything and anything about growing when in fact most of them have only planted a seed to let it stretch too high and die....its just the nature of the beast. not everyone smokes marijuanna for medical purposes, alot of people smoke for recreational reasons and the kids that do are just dumb fuck know it all's who have nothing better to do than sit here stoned trolling people and acting like they have the slightest clue to what they are talking about.

its no different anywhere else. like you said there are some great members here and those are the people you should associate with. i have helped so many people out on here and recieved so much help from good growers. its all what you make of it man, keep your head up and keep calling out bad info thats what makes this site good. if the guy giving bad info dosent like it and wants to rage just ignore him....its that simple :)


Well-Known Member
any marijuanna growing forum is going to have dumb ass pot head kids that think they know everything and anything about growing when in fact most of them have only planted a seed to let it stretch too high and die....its just the nature of the beast. not everyone smokes marijuanna for medical purposes, alot of people smoke for recreational reasons and the kids that do are just dumb fuck know it all's who have nothing better to do than sit here stoned trolling people and acting like they have the slightest clue to what they are talking about.

its no different anywhere else. like you said there are some great members here and those are the people you should associate with. i have helped so many people out on here and recieved so much help from good growers. its all what you make of it man, keep your head up and keep calling out bad info thats what makes this site good. if the guy giving bad info dosent like it and wants to rage just ignore him....its that simple :)
Yea I had a bout with a guy on a different thread last night but I apologized and we are talkin now giving each other helpful info. I am just going to not rage back anymore. I will be civil and ask them to prove their point and if they respond with cussing and nonsense I will just not even pay attention to hem