First Post and grow. PICS PICS!!


Hey guys. i just joined not too long ago in hopes of gaining more knowledge. After some researching, i decided to grow a clone just for fun. What i didn't expect was how attached i would get. Growing this thing is pretty fun and it looks beautiful.

I'm wondering if it's ok to start the flowering process. Let me know what i can do to help this plant grow. I dont want it to get any taller because i have no space for it. This started out as just a little fun experiment, but now i'm actually starting to enjoy the process. If i look closely at the plant, i can see little "hairs" coming out of the branches. Heres what the setup is



Well-Known Member
Well ya need everything by the looks of things.
Flower away. You are going to have to put it in a larger area.


Active Member
its gonna grow double or triple in size when you flower it! you could train it by bending so it grows in a differnt direction but i would just get a bigger space if i were you!!


Bend it, LST it. Pick up some BushMaster to keep it at it height
if i use the bushmaster, does it grow taller or just wider. Or does it stunt the growth all together? I dont want this plant too big. I might get flamed for this question since it's pretty vague, but how big would it have to get to yield approximately an ounce?

its gonna grow double or triple in size when you flower it! you could train it by bending so it grows in a differnt direction but i would just get a bigger space if i were you!!
crap. i thought it stopped growing once you flower it thats why i waited until it was the tallest it could possibly get. i guess i shouldve done more due diligence.

As for the cabinet it's in, can someone recommend some sort of fan for it? i was thinking a computer fan. This cabinet is located in my restroom with the window open 24/7 so the smell doesnt get too bad.


Active Member
yea man a computer fan will work for that little plant, dont see how it wouldnt.

if i use the bushmaster, does it grow taller or just wider. Or does it stunt the growth all together? I dont want this plant too big. I might get flamed for this question since it's pretty vague, but how big would it have to get to yield approximately an ounce?

crap. i thought it stopped growing once you flower it thats why i waited until it was the tallest it could possibly get. i guess i shouldve done more due diligence.

As for the cabinet it's in, can someone recommend some sort of fan for it? i was thinking a computer fan. This cabinet is located in my restroom with the window open 24/7 so the smell doesnt get too bad.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man your gonna have to LST it now if you want to flower her.
But other than that its b-e-a-utiful. lol :)



dang. so this bushmaster stuff. is it too late to use it? I didnt know plants can get this big haha. how much more will it grow in the flowering process. i just started 12/12 today


Active Member
i flowered my 2 plants at 8" and 10" and now they are 26" and 30" two weeks into flowering....over an inch a day


dannng. i dont have a ruler, but mine is approx 16inches. lol. fml.

here are some pics when i was growing it. I bought it as a clone and have been vegetating it for about 6 weeks now. The only sunlight it got was when the sun was out. Is this the reason why it didnt grow short and stubby?

The week after i got it:

3rd week.


Well-Known Member
If that's tinfoil, I would remove it from your cabinet and either paint the inside flat white, or I would line it with mylar instead. Tin foil is not the most reflective and can create "hot spots" on your plant by not evenly reflecting light.

Also, I would take everyone's advice and LST the plant.


how would i go about starting the LST process at the current height.. isnt that main stem a little too long and strengthened?

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
That bubble thing is normal. I don't know what it is for sure, but I see it all the time on pics in here and my plants as well. Sorry I could'nt answer this in a more scientific way, but your plant is fine.


That bubble thing is normal. I don't know what it is for sure, but I see it all the time on pics in here and my plants as well. Sorry I could'nt answer this in a more scientific way, but your plant is fine.

thats good to know that my plant is fine. lol. I wonder what it is though.